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About Me

I'm Thomas S. Magnum. I am an ex-naval intelligence officer turned private eye. I was born January 5th, 1946 in Tidewater, Virginia, I attended Annapolis and served in Vietnam with the VM02 Unit in Da Nang.I now live on the estate of wealthy novelist Robin Masters (who I've never seen) and I provide security for the grounds in exchange for living quarters. I report to British manservant Jonathan Quayle Higgins III whom I suspect is really Robin Masters.To get around the island I have two options. I can snag a ride from my buddy Calvin who runs a helicopter service, or I can borrow one of Robin Masters' Red 3 litre V8 308 Ferraris parked on the estate. Most times, I opt for a ride in a Ferrari, but first I must get past the ever-watchful eyes of Higgins and his Doberman pinscher guard dogs Apollo and Zeus who roam the estate and who are none to fond of me. But usually with a little bit of finesse and fast foot work, I can outwit Higgins and those fucking mongrals, and get a car off the estate to go investgate some crimes. I charge $200 a day plus expenses for my services. In my spare time, I'm working on the manuscript entitled How To Be A World Class Private Investigator.When not on the trail of a suspect, I visit my friend Rick Orville Wright, a bartender and managing partner at my favorite hangout, The King Kamehameha Club where I can also find Theodore “T. C.“ Calvin, the owner of Island Hoppers Helicopter Services [I served with T. C. in Vietnam]. My other acquaintances included Carol Baldwin, the assistant district attorney; local policeman Lt. Tanaka; Francis Hofstetler [a.k.a. “Ice Pick”] an elderly underworld boss who helps me from time to time; navy Lt. Maggie Poole; and Lt. Mac Reynold, my navy buddy's [killed in 1982]. Cynthia Farrell, an attorney became my love interest after I traveled to Los Angeles to serve her with a subpoena – courtesy of Robin Masters. My relatives included my mother Katherine Peterson; my father, Lieutenant Thomas S. Magnum senior; stepfather Frank Peterson; My grandfather Thomas Sullivan Magnum II; cousins Billy and Karyn; and Aunt Phoebe SullivanI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

The downside to my occupation was the lack of money and the physical pain and trauma that went with the job. To solve my financial woes, I teach a private eye course at a local college and took a "real" job as a hotel detective. As for the rock'em, sock'em part of my job, I do my best to avoid punches to the face, and the conks on the noggin but there were certain things out of my control like the time I crashed Robin's Ferrari and ended in the hospital with amnesia. But probably the strangest ordeal suffered by me was in 1987 when I was mortally wounded in a gun fight. I died, went to heaven but miraculously returned to life. Could it be that I just couldn't leave this mortal realm without knowing whether Higgins was really Masters?

I'd like to meet:

1. Sawyer (Josh Holloway), Lost; What can I say? Sawyer is a bad boy who would make me feel bad about myself. He would come up with a nickname for me that is endearing, yet ironic and slightly mean. Sure, he'd treat me like crap, but man-oh-man, I bet he's an awesome kisser. He's passionate, mysterious, and a total jerk. Just my type. P.S. Josh, plan a trip to Hawaii this winter. You pick the place, I'll bring the mistletoe.2. Derrick Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), Grey's Anatomy; For me, it's the eyes. Dr. McDreamy can give a very compassionate look just with his eyes. Ya gotta respect him for trying to make things work with his wife, who is much more interesting than Meredith, Grey's character (Go, Addison!). Plus, he's damn sexy in those scrubs.3. Sayid (Naveen Andrews), Lost; I like a man who knows how to build a tent out of a tarp and some sticks, but can also torture a guy to near-death. Here's a man who set up one of his oldest friends for a terrorism charge, all because he wanted the love of his life back. Sayid strikes me as the kind of guy who is picky about who he kisses. Sign me up!4. Jim (John Krasinski), The Office; Poor Jim is such a sweetheart and so head-over-heels in love with his co-worker, Pam, who is engaged to a guy who doesn't appreciate her like we all know Jim would. Jim just needs a good smack on the lips to get his mind off Pam.5. Danny Taylor (Enrique Murciano), Without a Trace; Danny Taylor's soft voice, conviction, and slightly over-inflated ego make him extremely kissable. Plus, whenever he wrinkles his forehead in genuine concern, my heart just melts.I also want to meet Matlock, Authur Fonzarelli, BA Baracus and Adrian Monk!!


"This morning in paradise was not much better than the one yesterday. In other words – it was perfect. And morning in paradise is the perfect time of day. A quiet run, then a swim; it's a time your truly alone; a time when you're allowed to fully appreciate the rhythms of living. Besides, Higgins was going to be gone all day, and that made me appreciate the rhythms of living, even more" -- Thomas MagnumI love the words to that song, but have yet to find any good music to accompany. Maybe MC Chris or Gwar??


Narrator: Dr. David Banner. Physician. Scientist. Searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all humans have. Then an accidental overdose of gamma radiation alters his body chemistry. And now, when David Banner grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs. The creature is driven by rage, and is pursued by an investigative reporter... David Banner: Mr. McGee, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Narrator: The creature is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. David Banner is believed to be dead, and he must let the world think that he is dead until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him. --THE INCREDIBLE HULK**************************************