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About Me

Housemate Official Football Team ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------dOnt be fO0LeD bY m3,dOnt bE f0OLeD By tHE fAcE i wEAr, If i wEaR a mAsk, i WeAr a tHOuSaNd mASks.i gaVE y0u ThE iMpResSiOn thAT iM sECuRe,tHaT aLL iS suNNy aND uNRuFfLed witH mE, WitHiN aS weLL aS witHOut, bUt d0nt beLiEve Me. pLEaSe. My suRfaCe mAy SeEm SmOOth bUt mY suRfaCE iS My mASk. i dONt wANt aNybODy t0 knOw it. iM aFraiD y0Ur gLaNcE wiLL n0t bE folLOwED bY aCcePtaNcE anD LoVE, iM aFRaiD y0uLL tHiNk LesS oF mE, tHaT yOuLL LauGh aNd y0Ur LauGh wiLL kilL mE, iM AfrAiD thAT dEeP d0Wn iM nOthiNg ThaT iM jUSt nO g0Od AnD tHAt yOuLL sEe tHiS aNd rEJeCT mE,s0 whEn iM g0inG tHr0uGh mY r0uTinE dOnT bE fO0LeD bY whA+ iM sAyiNG. PLeaSe LiSteN caRefuLLy anD tRy t0 h3aR wHaT iM n0T sAy!Ng, wHAt iD LikE t0 bE aBLe tO sAy, wHaT f0R suRViVaL i nEeD To SaY, buT wHiCH i cAnT sAy. i diSLikE hiDiNg. hOnEStLy. i diSLike tHe sUPerFiciaL gAmE iM pLay!Ng, tHe suPErFiCiaL pH0Ny gAMe. iD rEaLLy LikE T0 Be gENuinE anD Sp0ntanE0uS aNd ME...

My Interests

technology, the Internet & most things web, music, the ocean, watching hockey, kittycats, anything cute & fuzzy, food - eating, cooking....

I'd like to meet:

Me, Myself And You


the list can go on & on... Duran Duran, Portishead, Massive Attack, Cibo Matto, Blur, Mumblin Jim, NIN, Radiohead, SLEATER-KINNEY, Gorillaz, the Pixies, Yaz, Sonic Youth, Foo Fighters, Underworld, Butter 08... most things 80's (the cool 80's - depeche mode, siouxie, the cure, etc...) ...