DnD and rpg's in general. music movies, games blah blah blah.......................................
or some drunk pirate lost on the triangle, tells a tale of whispers at sea. lost in his eyes are hope and dreams, with out a noise he dives, into the sea, and swimms enternaly.
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i like good music, the kind you can snap your fingers too, or the kind you can daze off too, both r awesome. GOTHIC, NEW WAVE ROCK N ROLL PUNK ROCK AND EVEN SOME METAL, DARK WAVE AND JUST INSANE SHIT NOBODY EVEN KNOWS ABOUT.
the highlander rules, so does conan, and caddyshack, and red dawn ( lol ).
Smallville and ghost hunters is all i got to say.
My score on The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test :
a Pirate
(You scored 5 Honor, 5 Justice, 3 Adventure, and 11 Individuality!)
Arr matey. You may belive in honor, and justice, and you certainly have a sense of adventure. But mostly, you play by your own rules. Your code is your own and you are flexible in most situations.Dress flamboyant and look into a parrot. I think you'll do fine.
Link: The Cowboy-Ninja-Pirate-Knight Test
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R.A salvator rules, and so does ed greenwood. Dont let me forget robert e howard.
My score on The RPG Class Test :
Smart Paladin
(81% Combativeness, 40% Sneakiness, 67% Intellect, 63% Spirituality)
Valorous! Noble! Or possibly just a self-righteous jerk (but with the brains to keep you alive!)... You are a Smart Paladin!Paladins are holy warriors. They are valorous defenders of the light. Unfortunately, most of them are so ardent in their defense they tend to meet sticky ends faster than you can say "rampaging red dragon." Many people look up to Paladins, while others just consider them stuck up, overbearing, or self-righteous.Fortunately for you, unlike most Paladins, you're pretty smart. Which means that you're more likely to fall into the "admired" category, rather than the "obnoxious" or "dead" categories.Much like the crusades, you manage to combine violence and religion, though unlike the crusades, you add a healthy does of intelligence. You may be a staunch defender of the faith, a valorous champion of the weak, or the stuff that jihads are made of. Which ever one you are, just be happy that you’ve got the smarts to back it up and make it work.
Link: The RPG Class Test
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Superman, and solomon kane, ans spider man too.
What kind of Dragon are you?
Blue Dragon: This dragon is the most intelligent of the dragonhood, but is also the least acceptant of stupidity. His eyes are always open to the future ahead and he's always attentive of his surroundings. If you share an affinity with this dragon, chances are you strive to acquire more intelligence. Although you respect the intelligence of others, you can become real cold with someone who doesn't compare to your standards.
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