mUs!c...eSpEc!aLLy AcOuSt!cS..MoViEs..rOmAnt!c tyPe, aCt!on aNd cOmeD!es..SpOrTz..bAsKetbALL,b!LL!ards,boWL!ng
gALs anD gUyS s!mpLe aNd fuNNy..aLL oF yOU!!!!
mArOon 5, s!mPle pLan, F4, br!tNey sPeArs, BSB, AcOust!cs oF pAoLo sAnTos, anD faMous aCoustiC arT!stS..aNd mUs!c of BlAcK-eYeD pEas c",)
harry potter, troy, lord of the rings! legends of the fall, matrix..
harry potter, lord of the rings..
achilles of the trojan war, spiderman, superman...and my matthew goode!!!