History, Nature, Culture, Technology, Politics, Theatre, Dancing, Sailing, Hiking, Board games, Trains, Travel, Photography, Painting, Cooking, Science, Medicine, Economics, Philosophy, Bridge, Croquette, Gentlemen, Ladies, Sewing, Crafts, RPGs, Music, Movies, Literature, Graphic novels, Joss Whedon, Goth, Neil Gaiman, Thomas P. M. Barnett, Pets, LiveJournal
Freaky: purity scores of 20% or lower, and proud of it (or willing to take your score there). Well mannered: comfortable in any social situation from the Ritz to the wrong side of the tracks. Mature: you know how to pick up after yourself and pay your bills on time. Child-like: you can let your "inner child" out to do fun stuff like swing on swing-sets, fly kites, sail remote-controlled boats, or play with legos. Artsy: you produce/perform some sort of art form in your spare time. Cultured and cosmopolitan, broad-minded and multicultural-minded. Patient. Well-spoken: I don't expect you to be a mind reader, I won't put up with you expecting me to be one. Geeky: a friend to technology, except when you have to put it over your knee to get it to behave. Not necessarily in order (though it's pretty close).