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skeletons rule the cities as the innocent burn.

About Me

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

"Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -John Wooden.

MY FAMILY MEMBERS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT PEOPLE IN MY LIFE. i love them to death and much more... i am so lucky to have them in my life they love me for who i am and what i am we all get along...most the time. my family consists of... My Mom. My Dad. My Brother(Mitch)and his wife(Laura).My sister(Jessica)and her husband(Joey)and my little sister(Taylor). My half brothers (Cooper and Dawson) i have the best Mom that i could ever ask for, she is the most amazing Mom that i have come to meet. she has supported me through everything in my life. she is so understanding and forgiving. i love her so much. thank you Mom. I know i dont act like i love Taylor all the time, but the truth is...she's the best little sister. i love her with all of my heart. we fight alot but she is truly my bestfriend.she has supported me through what she has the strength for and i respect her for that.she is a good person and i love her. "Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family: Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one." -Jane Howard
.aaron reich .mama jolley .all my family members. .kristopher kanger .devan goodeyon .britny baker .ian weston .corby johnson .Christopher Washington .Lukas Cole Coomer .samantha s. .kelsey hufford .jenni sosa .henry cosgriff .kevin boriboun .taylor jolley .nick sorenson .quinton martinez .mariah sanchez .christian johnson .ashley bridenstine .danny moyes .dakota griffin .alec padgett .kendall wadsworth .allie england .megan grey .jaron call .kyle harvey .hannah smith .zachariah fleck (if you think your MY hero...let me know) ........... shoutout to Northridge Knights hockey team.. and the Ogden Jr. Wildcats (:
coolest person that i know: Christopher Washington. .. when you swear to God, its true ... right now God is watching and saying, this is true ... TAJ. jecca kristopher devanjade nick (: ian corbadile NOPER jaron (fatty) alec laura britny kristin allie mariah kevin kyle hannah thomas ashley aaron timothy lincoln brando sammmmm quinton daniel dillon & christianMORE TO COME!!______________________________________________________ getsomegetsome

FACTS 428 i'm straight. i have brown eyes. im decent at halo. aaron is my bitch [: i dont do drugs and i dont drink alcohol.. I cryed so much at the seniors graduation.. /: i dont know how next year will turn out.. i guess we'll see.. I WEIGH 120-ish POUNDS.“An insincere friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.” Buddha. home | add | message | comment | pictures Inside yourself or outside, you never have to change what you see, only the way you see it. alexa is the name. Mood: sore i am 17 years old and go to Northridge HighSchool. i have a lot of friends, but only a few BestFriends. i could really care less what people think of me. i really have nothing to prove. i'm not afraid to admit that alot of people dont like me. (for various reasons) they can learn to deal with it, cause its there problem not mine. this year i have made so many new friends and its unbelievable how amazing they are. i say i'm extremely honest.. others say im: BLUNT.. i believe in God and Jesus Christ. i can't control everything around me. im really chill with everything and everyone. i dont think before i talk.. ive screwed up alot in my life, but i dont regret one single second of it. i love life, i have, i love to be alive. i surround myself with people that love me just the way i am and wouldn't change one thing about me. i love my friends, they are an important part in my life. i am very forgiving and i forget things quiet frequently. i have lost a lot of friends in my life and gained friends with better qualities. ive rekindled some old/lost friendships.. its amazing.. try it. i dont play dumb, im just not incredibly intelligent... im medium intelligent (CORBY). im so happy with all of the people that are in my life right now, whether they hate me or not, im really happy with my life and the way its going. i trust about 5 people, and those would be my bestfriends. (not including my family) i love all animals. i love manual cars.. (: i am a vegetarian and have been for over a year. i love myself for who i am and love to be myself. i really enjoy music, it calms me down. (i like all kinds of music.) if you open your mind to music and just listen to it you may come to find that you love it, let music test you, you dont know what youll find. i love spontaneity. ive come to find out that your friends will do things that you dont exactly like but ive also noticed that you do things that your friends dont exactly like also... i believe that sharks are amazing.. they arent man eaters.. i love to watch hockey games. i love to laugh at my own jokes. cheetahs are the most incredible animals on this planet. they are definately my favorite animal of all. (: my current best friends are amazing.. they are always there for me. i love to look at the stars... i just love them. i take criticism well. i give good advice, but when it comes to helping myself, im hopeless. i've done a lot of stupid things in my life, but that doesnt make me stupid myself. feelings cant change in fast bits of time, it takes a long time before your feelings start to evolve. im very open-minded. i do not do drugs. and i do not drink alcohol. if you do, good for you. we can be friends i just wont participate in your activities. you can judge me.. cause it doesnt effect me. i dont hate anyone for their decisions. i rarely wear make-up now. (i call it self confidence) i would like to meet a guy that treats me really great.. someone that likes me for me. and isnt afraid of what others think about him. (: this is a kind of guy that i would be honored to just talk to. (: ive noticed: it seems like when im being funny it goes silent and when im being serious, everyone laughs... MY FAMILY IS THE WORLD TO ME. i am the same in person as i am on myspace... "Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from." -Al Franken compliments to...BC for the backround music. TO DO get a job. pay car insurance. get antifreeze for my car. get transmission fluid for my car. give henry his hat back. watch Juno with anthony. get a new belly button ring. beat Resident Evil:4. dance with samantha. play with Tickle Team. get into shape. find the little dipper. call Kiki. play with all the seniors. pay ticket. keep promise to Zachariah Fleck. learn to speak a different language. go to tons of shows this summer.


I Think, Therefore Alexa.


Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility: teeth
best personality trait: you don't follow the croud
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now? yes!
when will you get married? August 28, 2017
your kiss is: mixed messages
People date you because: you're hot

Quiz created with MemeGen !


alexxa has 2 profiles... why? you ask. cause i had a hacker. yeah i know tragic? paha right... so you should have both of my profiles. ok .-alexa HTTP://WWW.MYSPACE.COM/84161399


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