Gambling, Cards, Poker, Casino's, Pool, Luxury Cars (aka Mercedes, Cadillac, and Jaguar, not your beefed up import, even thought I have an Eclipse Convertible), Motorcycles, Parties, Picnicing, Bars that I'm trying to cut down on. Being out.
Anyone that can catch that vibe.
Nine Inch Nails is my favorite band. I'd do things to Amy Lee you'd be embarassed to hear about. I'm picky about my what I like... it all seems to be garbage lately, but for Rap we'll mention, DJ Khaled, Jay Z, DMX, Nas... the real lyricists. Rocky/Rap Mixes like ICP and Hollywood Undead. An Acoustic Rock sound, someone sitting around picking a guitar like, Oasis, Clapton, The Black Crows, and Counting Crows. Broadway stuff like Phantom of the Opera, and Dance of the Vampires, Les Miserable, Beaty and the Beast, I've seen a lot of em. And the girls, Tori Amos, Sarah Mclauclan, Jewel, the ones with pretty voices.
Gladiator and Braveheart, back when men were men, honor meant something, you fought for what you believed in, love for your family/lady/country/king. The Matrix... it was that good but I'm no fucking trekky. And Heat, the shootout in the movie was awesome... "thats the disclipline". And something Action packed and funny like Bad Boys... I loved those. Oh... and who can forget CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow. Yea... I think he's my idol.
I've watch poker. Constantly. I like the Family Guy, and have been watching the reruns of the The Shield late at nite... man is this fucking Mackie guy a badass.
I dont do fiction or even real stories, my library looks like: Mike Caro's Book of Tells. Harrington on Holdem. Pot Odds. Play Poker like the Pro's. Final Table Poker. Card Counting. 100 Magic tricks with an ordinary deck of cards. Gambling Protection Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Card Counting. Or Interconnecting Cisco Network Device's. Security Standards. Micro-Soft Security.
Anyone thats not been afraid to stand up and die for a good cause they believe in. My late Great-Grandfather, who walked around in 1920, with $5000 in his pocket in case he found a card game, and at the beginning of the nite, would ask my great-grandmother "what do you want or what do we need?" and she'd say, Kitchen Cabinets, A stove, A TV, And even one time, A NEW CADILLAC, and when he left... He handed her whatever the amount to buy it was, and put the $5000 he started with back in his pocket. Oh, and my Dad. He's also one of my best friends.