things im interested in doing.... uuhhhhh... taking black prostitues with huge titties to dodger games, pushing innocent girls onto sewers, buying 35 pounds of tortillas every week, listening to my NSYNC cd's, get boogers stuck and wrapped around my nose hairs, clog toilets, watch cartoon porn, take pictures of my own ass and think to myself DAMN I LOOK SO GOOD BECAUSE IM SOOOO FULL OF MYSELF!!!, get yelled at by people who found god who i cut off in my car and almost kill everybody in a 3 mile radius, getting off of freeways at 85mph and having to slam on the brakes and skid the car sideways almost killing everyone again, snorting cocaine, shitting in my pants, and last but not least, having full on conversations with people that in fact, never happen at all. I also love to hold girls in front of vans, i love to have my english corrected all the time, I always have to be proved wrong. i like to find b's on license plates. i like to listen to the chemical brothers, i also like to get my car taken away from me be everyone else. I love to pick my nose and hold peoples hands afterwards. i like to watch college girls gone wild, i like to go to the top of mountains and see nothing but smogg when im there. i like sharing fish eggs with people and telling them they ate shrimp when it was really eal. I like to make fun of people that use napkins to clean the grease off pizza. i like chicks with ginormous ribs. i like to take 50 billion pictures of the same rock. i like to throw unecessary shopping items into my friends shopping cart when they are shopping. I love it when people go eat crepes secretly and then tell me. i like to walking around in my pants with out a shirt. i like to watch horrible movies that i did not decide to watch. i like taking people to random houses where its all weird and smelling inside. i love to get lucky from police tickets when im going 100mph. i like getting worked out when im having sex. and thats all for nowAND I ALSO LOVE TO PARTY HARD!!!!!!
People i would like to meet anybody. I dont give a shit if ur black, white pink yellow inside out flipped in or fucking a piece of shit. hahahaha. Im willing to meet anybody i love everyone i told your read my profile dicks i love people i love to laugh if u can do that for me in your the circle of cool people. AND THE PERSON I WOULD LOVE TO MEET THE MOST IS THIS FAT KID!!!
hmmm dont no all types
i watch whatever is on HBO and anything else interesting i just dont feel like listing everything i see but one thing i will admit to yes i watch sex and the city yes i no im a bitch but its sooo fucking funny......... ok time has gone by about 2 years and i watch aqua teen hunger force and it is the shiznite
the fuck up, girls gone wild club, i dont read much
BATMAN, orgasmo,powdered toast man!!! Powderrrrrrrrrrrreddddddddddd toasttttttttttttttttttttttt mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!