Modeling, dancing, music, hanging out with my beautiful family, and cooking believe it or not I'm no Jessica Simpson!!
I would love to meet TOP NOTCH CELEBRITIES!!! 50 CENT IS ONE. FUCK IT GIVE ME EVERYBODY FRM GUNIT!! I wanna be in the next video can u see me?? Oh YEAH SHAKIRA IS MY IDOL
RAP, HipHop, and salsa.. Thats something that will get me on the dance floor and keep me there all night long.
Documentaries, Boys in the hood, and those little chick ficks when I am with my girls.. U know who u are??
70 Show!! LMAO that is my shhhh... U gotta love Wilmer(YO MAMMA), UPN LINE UP ON mondays.. girlfriends, love it!!, and anything on MTV, and some stuff on BET...
Porno..just kidding... I have so many I woyld be typing forever.
Mama is you!! Mi PAPA.. MUCHO BESEOS.. And Jesus christ my savior.