l'art contemporain, mes toyz..
Ringo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
des gens ki aiment se dguiz en animaux..Ringo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
a href="http://www.ringo.com/photos/share/post.html?batch=b729
Bjork, Cuizinier, Capitol K, Plaid, Modeselektor, Antipop consortium, Department of eagles, Boards of Canada, Knifehandchop,Autechre, Svinkels, Arthur H, TTC, Marcellus Wallace, Lady Saw, Blondie, The Streets, Don Choa, Keith Jarett, Dubstep stuff, Miles Davis, Elephant man, Triptik, Camille, Tep&orange zebre, Hocus Pocus, Aphex Twin, Anticon label...
A bout de souffle, Mifune, Le voyage de Chihiro, Breaking the waves, Lolita, Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou, Clockwork orange and all the kubrick's movies, City of lost children, Aquatic life, Dogville, Le Mpris, Adaptation, Back to the future, Blade runner, L'trange Nol de Mr Jack, Sur mes lvres, Larry Flint etcetera etcetera
yoko hogawa, j-p sartre, michel houellebecq, thomas gunzig, joyce mansour, pascal pellerin, philippe k.dick, nathalie sarraute, les contes fantastiques de maupassant, virginie despentes, boris vian, nick cave (yes yes a fabulous book called in french Et l'ane vit l'ange) and many more that I can't remember because Alzheimer
Fuzati et Simone de Beauvoir. Pas en même temps. Quoique. Y a une sorte de parenté au niveau de l'existentialisme.