What does one do before one attains enlightenment? answer: chop wood and carry water. What does one do after one attains enlightenment? answer: chop wood and carry water.If you Grok, we can be friends.
The beings who populate my dreamscape. Especially the wolf dressed in the tux who took me for a flight over the heads of the crowd. You said "We've got a conscious one here" just before lift off. That was one crazy trip & I've still got goosebumps to prove it.Sherry, my favorite teaching guru woman, you are overdue for a dreamscape teaching.That lil' devil teen who lifted my fears face-to-face up to the ceiling laughing as my tongue shifted into a growing blob filling my mouth so I could barely articulate the words: I am a child of Jesus... Why DID I say that? and why DID that work so well?The Chinaman in the cabin who placed that powerpacked symbol into the palm of my hand.
The 7th dimensional orchestra of my daughter's idly sung songs -- ah, to soothe this ravaged beast!
Whale Rider AND NOW: Donnie Darko, the Director's Cut too. Fantabulous... it's all happening. Indeed.
Go out and get a life. I repeat. Go out and get a life. I repeat. Go forth and get a life. Can I state it any clearer? Read "1984" George Orwell.
Horton Hears A Who. yup.
Animals, especially the domesticated ones. What karma brought them around to share humanity's threshhold I dare not conceive... Does anyone not know that they act as cleansing crystals to their environ? What wondrous giftings!