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The Ultimate Relationship Survey: Is it really love?
How long have you been together?: 3 years
How many relationships have you had total?: not to many...
What's the 1st thing you remember vividly from the begining?: the day we met and how we met
Did you ever think your relationship would last this long?: Not at first
Do you live together?: Might as well say we do... lol :)
List 3 things that you (as a couple) have overcome and conquered?: his ex girlfriend, college, our living situations
It is important to you that other people like your significant other?: Sometimes, if they don't who really cares life goes on :)
What do you believe has been your biggest regret in this relationship?: letting his ex slip in through the cracks...
Is this a rebound relationship?: Nope
What is it about your significant other that intrigues you?: Everything
How many people have you "been" with?: not to many...
Have you ever cheated?: Nope
Has s/he ever cheated?: Nope
Is marriage in the future?: Yep, coming soon... real real soon...
1 song that you consider a must to the soundtrack of your relationship?: True Love- Faith Evans
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