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About Me

My name is Brian. Technology scares me. I do not trust the MySpace.
I am a photographer- I'm primarily a photojournalist, usually doing feature stories and entertainment stuff. I'm also a commercial portrait photographer, making people look pretty (or at least interesting) for magazines, album covers, etc.
You can view my website (still under construction) at: www.vansisephoto.com
Mandatory money-grubbing blurb about how great I am:
I'm a shooter for Newsday, the nation's 5th largest metropolitan daily, doing assignments ranging from sports to celebrity pages to portraits and back again. I'm also a stringer for the Daily Mirror, in the U.K. and AOL CityGuide's chief restaurant photographer on my native Long Island, where I basically try to pretend that running around eating fifteen meals a day is a respectable way to make a living.
I'm a graduate of the Eddie Adams Workshop, having been selected by editors of the New York Times, National Geographic, Washington Post, et al as one of the nation's top 100 young photojournalists, and was selected by the University of Missouri, the nation's top photojournalism school, as a silver winner for portraiture in their College Photographer of the Year awards.
I'm also a graduate of Fordham University in New York City, where I received double bachelorate degrees in Visual Arts (Photography) and Modern Languages (Italian/Spanish/German/Russian.) My work has been featured in several gallery shows in both the U.S. and Canada, including a spot in the 2004 Whitney Biennial.
I'm actually more humble than this. I swear.
Some of my photos:
Clients & Publications

My Interests

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