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Das Jake

... Flushing emcees down the loooooooooooo/ Don't Believe me?/Bring yah posse bring yah creeeeewwwww

About Me

A lot of the time I'm horny, some of the time I'm hungry the rest of the time I'm drawing

My Interests

Choosing to forego a tiredly plebian list of, "general" interests and, instead, affixing in its place a list of words I find particularly amusing is something that genreally interests me, I also like using a lot of hoity-toity talks when I speechify, anyways, here's the promised list:Cumberbund, Glacial, Tears, Jewish, Hambletonian, Plebian, Pelvic, Taco, Ron Artest, gastric by-pass, and since it's the nineties, and therefore time to get real...Butt, because that's what people call ass in the real world

I'd like to meet:

Ridiculously wealthy, nyphomaniac heiresses with motorcycles and rocket launchers and a yacht the size of Delaware and hearts that pump Maker's Mark which, until the age of 19 I thought was called Marker's Mark


I really like that song from Batman when the joker and his leather-jacketed thugs fuck up the museum...it's kind of like Prince but not, you know the one, it goes like...Party Man...Party Man...I think it's called Party Man


Chicano Gang movies are all right, but now I'm really into movies about girls struggling to become women, like, come on the one about the Travelling Pants, tear-jerker...oh yeah and Faces of Death, if someone could combine those two genres, I'd definitely do it with or near them


Books is for Mary's ::Punch Myspace Tom Right in his dumb, happy face::


Laibach did it with Freddy Mercury...seriously