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the wheat from the chaff so to speak.
Please, I mean no offense only the best of intentions.
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I want to meet someone like me if that is possible.
“If you could only see what I have seen with your eyes†...
"You won't truly know someone until you fight them...."
"Come to me, son of Jor-El!"
T.V. is T.V. man...
I claim this word as my own...
Weird, adj., weird·er, weird·est.
Of, relating to, or suggestive of the preternatural or supernatural.
Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange.
Archaic. Of or relating to fate or the Fates.
Fate; destiny.
One's assigned lot or fortune, especially when evil.
often Weird Greek & Roman Mythology. One of the Fates.
tr. & intr.v., weird·ed, weird·ing, weirds.
Slang. To experience or cause to experience an odd, unusual, and sometimes uneasy sensation. Often used with out.[Middle English werde, fate, having power to control fate, from Old English wyrd, fate.]weirdly weird'ly adv.
weirdness weird'ness n.
SYNONYMS weird, eerie, uncanny, unearthly. These adjectives refer to what is of a mysteriously strange, usually frightening nature. Weird may suggest the operation of supernatural influences, or merely the odd or unusual: “The person of the house gave a weird little laugh†(Charles Dickens). “There is a weird power in a spoken word†(Joseph Conrad). Something eerie inspires fear or uneasiness and implies a sinister influence: “At nightfall on the marshes, the thing was eerie and fantastic to behold†(Robert Louis Stevenson). Uncanny refers to what is unnatural and peculiarly unsettling: “The queer stumps … had uncanny shapes, as of monstrous creatures†(John Galsworthy). Something unearthly seems so strange and unnatural as to come from or belong to another world: “He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din†(Henry Kingsley).