Verena is...
1.65 small - blackhaired - greeneyed - bi - very honest - down to earth - accurate - imperturbable - unpatiently - a little egoist - helpful - directly - intelligent - trustable - fastly disgusted
Verena loves...
Finland - Austria - concerts - Wikipedia - her computer - Photoshop - cooking - Jägermeister - stars - languages - geography - politics - travelling - barbecues - snowboarding - dark red - her family - her friends - her iPod - baking christmas cookies - fireworks - Vienna - Dubai - Helsinki - her black Esprit bag - Landliebe Sahnepudding - taking photographs - umlauts
Verena hates...
dishonesty - intrigues - friends, who just pretend to be friends - chaos - fish - youth hostels - to have to write clearly and beautiful - too much kitsch - holes in clothes - public transport (except U-Bahn) - sports - boredom - accents
And also take a look at this great band's profile. You got the manager in front of you ;)
The Vagitamins
click picture to see profile
Join "Finnish Nights" and help to bring Finnish music to Austria!
Finnish Nights
click picture to see profile