Recording, Performing, Horticulture, Inventing/Creating stuff, Having Fun
Really awesome musicians. Studio geeks and other recording nerds. A mastering engineer that works for food:). People that are into landscaping and organic gardening.
I listen to Sirius Satelite Radio a whole lot. I like most of the rock, blues, reggae and jazz.
I don't watch a whole lot of movies and could probably not name an actor or actress to save my life.
I watch very little TV. If I am watching TV, it is most likely the news, HGTV the history channel ot TLC. Every now and then Law and Order will suck me in. I despise comercials so I generally never watch much TV.
I haven't been reading to many books lately except for textbooks and non-fiction stuff. Like gardening books and other things for some business research. Most people would think that's pretty lame. Maybe it is, but what can I say that's what I feel compelled to do. I don't have much use for fiction. If it never really happened then why is it useful? For entertainment? I have a million other ways I would rather entertain myself. However, a freind has recently reminded me of the value of the novel. Through novels we can experience things not possible in real life. We can learn by drawing paralells to between the fiction and our lives. However, I'm still more of a non-fiction guy.