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Oh Sweet Irony...

About Me

*****I AM UNIQUE...JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE***** Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
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Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

You've been described as 'the brains' of your family or group of friends. You're the natural born, 'Mr. Fixit'. You're also considered the most reserved, preoccupied with your own little thoughts and ideas. But that doesn't mean you don't hang with your family and friends! But, you still find it easy to get lost in your own thoughts...daydreaming often. You'd rather talk things out than fight. You long for a day when there's nothing but peace in the world, and when you can finally rest with your own thoughts. Violence is something the world could completely live without. One of your labels may be, 'true to blue friend'. You're strong at heart and powerful at mind.
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My Interests

FLAMING LIPS THE lyricsLiterature, Music, Art, Movies, family/friends......Hallucinating from alcohol...Russian vodka, poisoned by Chernobyl... ..."The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it" - Oscar Wilde."...romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, then sold off piece by piece." - Lisa Simpson....I do game nights and movies nights.

I'd like to meet:

Key word = GENUINE...Genuinely good, genuinely funny, genuinely intellegent, genuinely sweet, genuinely artistic, genuinely interesting kinda people...preferably attractive young men w/ a sexy accent and can play an instrument of some sort.


So much...All kinds.


The Princess Bride, Wayne's World,Tommy Boy...actually most movies that derived from SNL skits or contain SNL cast members... The Lost Boys, Spaceballs, Hook, Van Wilder, The Labyrinth, The Burbs, Goonies, Super Troopers, Coming to America, Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles (1 and 2...not 3)...and most cheesy romantic comedies.


SNL reruns...cartoon's w/ adult content...game shows...MTV reality shows...and The Discovery Channel.


Catcher in the Rye, The Handmaid's Tale, The novel Night, Summer Sisters, Running with Scissors, Freakonomics.


While Leonardo da Vinci is often cited as the prototypical Renaissance man, he was also a prototypical dabbler, rarely finishing one thing before moving on to the next. Some historians have speculated that he suffered from a mild form of attention deficit disorder. Indeed, the subject of his most famous painting - the Mona Lisa - appears to have no eyebrows!Layouts CT Tables Graphics Quizzes Polls Surveys Layouts CT Tables Graphics Quizzes Polls Surveys Layout Provided by MyEasyGen.com !"The function of muscle is to pull and not to push, except in the case of the genitals and the tongue." - Leonardo da Vinci