Music of all genres, learning, critical thinking, intellectually stimulating material, good shows, symphonies, outings and adventures with homies, Psychology, Latin poetry and prose, Economics, Meta-language, Meta-history, Ancient religious and cult history, solo clarinet and classical ensemble performance, grotesque and Renaissance art, Mathematics, Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology, Philosophy (Epistemology), Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature, Biology (Animal Behavior and evolution), Politics, Norse mythology, Roman mythology, Gothic, Celtic, and Occult influenced jewelry, fine wine, expensive liquor, engaging books and movies, animal rights activism, long walks, nature, exploration, travels, more
I most likely will not add you unless I know you, or we at least have met at some point in real life.
Unlimited. Metal in most of its forms (mainly black, doom, thrash, and death) as well as classical, neo-classical, dark-ambient, new-age, world, and 60s, 70s, stoner, psych, and prog rock. I'm also fond of some crust, grind, oldschool hardcore and punk, powerpop, electronica, old-time country, jazz, hip-hop, and R&B. Aäkon Këëtrëh, Acid King, Agalloch, Aggression(Can), Ahab, Alcest, Amebix, Angantyr, Arcana, Archgoat, Arckanum, Axegrinder, Azrael(MN), Bach, Bathory, Beherit, Belenos, Belketre, Berlioz, Black Mountain, Black Sabbath, Black Widow, Black Witchery, Blakagir, Blutklinge, Bolt Thrower, Brahms, Brenoritvrezorkre, Burning Witch, Buzzov-en, Carcass, Johnny Cash, Clandestine Blaze, Coffins, Conqueror, Corrupted, Cranium, Dabaaz, Damad, Dark Throne, Dead Can Dance, Death, Deathspell Omega, Dessa, Destruction, Deviated Instinct, Disembowelment, Drudkh, El Dopa, Electric Wizard, Engrave, Evoken, Eyehategod, Filth, Filth of Mankind, The Fugees, The Funeral Orchestra, George Gershwin, Gnaw Their Tongues, Goatsnake, Godflesh, God Speed You! Black Emperor, Haemorrhage, Hades, Hellveto, Hibernation, Billie Holiday,(old)Holy Moses, Incantation, Judas Iscariot, Katharsis, Kreator, L7, Laaz Rockit, Leaf Hound, Leviathan, Lucifer's Friend, May Blitz, Moëvöt, Moonblood, Morbid Saint, Mournful Congregation, Mountain, Mozart, Mütiilation, Nehëmah, Neurosis, Nocternity(Greece), Nocturnal Depression, Northaunt, Nortt, Old Wainds, Pagan Altar, Pantheist, Pentagram, Pest, Peste Noire, Power of Zeus, Raven Dark, Reverend Bizarre, Sacrilege(UK), Sahg, Saint Vitus, Salif, Frank Sinatra, Sleep, Sloth(UK), Sodom, Spirit Caravan, Summoning, Svartfell, Thorr's Hammer, Toadliquor, Ulver, Unorthodox, Uriah Heep, Vinterriket, Vio-lence, Vlad Tepes, Von Weber, Warlock, Wigrid, Wishbone Ash, Witch, Witchcraft, Witchfinder General, Wormphlegm, Wormwood, X, Xasthur, Zoroaster, too many more.
Better Off Dead, American Beauty, Almost Famous, Suicide Club, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Shining, Ringu, The Ring, Kairo(Pulse), De Stilte Rond Christine M.
DeLillo's White Noise, Erdrich's Love Medicine, Chomsky's Understanding Power, Chomsky's Radical Priorities, Cahn's Philosophy for the 21st Century, Golding's Lord of the Flies, Choosing Death: The Improbable History of Death Metal and Grindcore, Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground, Nafisi's Reading Lolita in Tehran, Basso's Wisdom Sits in Places, Funder's Personality Puzzle, Kafka's The Metamorphosis, Caesar's De Bello Gallico II, Cicero's Catilinarian Orations O Tempora! O Mores!, Poems of Catullus, Ovid's Metamorphoses(the last four works in the original Latin), Ray/Ksir's Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior, any papers by Lacan, DeCerteau, and Foucault