my horses, music, and hanging out having a good time
my great grandmother on my dad's side, my other grandfather on my dad's side...Odd Thomas even if he is a fictional character...
and people I knew and wish I could have had more time with... both of my grandmothers, Dr. Edwards...
rock, metal, texas country, classical, random from the 50's, 60's, ect., some of those awesome 80's... depends on my mood...
Princess Bride, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Silence of the Lambs, Super Troopers, Lady in the Water...
is rot but I fall into watching it some... movies, Lost, X-files, Law & Order
pretty big Koontz fan, The DaVinci Code was pretty good [the movie sucked though], WWII stuff, murder mystery type stuff... unless it is some cheesy romance novel junk I'll probably read it
my parents