~Amy leena profile picture

~Amy leena

~One wAy oR aNothEr...~

About Me

Hi..I'm haPpy-Go-luCky pErsoN..moody sometimes..I'm A nOrmAl PeRson, I Think..My Zodiac is Leo...if ya'll kNow wHat is Leo alL AboUt, Sure Ya'LL KnoW mE... BorN To bE HappY....Cant really get along well with innocent guys...(Still SukeR ~laH). I'd loVe tO Change mY styLe maybe EverY SeconD....The Most ImpOrtAnt ThinGs iS I'm A Very "EGOISTIC" perSon. I don't CarE What U'vE to Said AboUt Me, AnD I Don'T CarE whether u like me or not...
Friendship Compatibility Of Leo With Leo:
If you've ever despaired of finding someone who truly appreciates you, make friends with another Leo. The full extent of your beauty, grace, charm and humor will be immediately apparent to a fellow Lion. In return, you'll be blown away by how talented, funny and gorgeous your newfound pal is. Within hours of meeting, the two of you will be exchanging affectionate hugs, inside jokes and extravagant compliments. Yes, your Leo pal will try your patience with their egoism -- it's perfectly clear to you that your problems are more important than theirs. Similarly, your friend might accuse you of hogging the mirror when it comes time to get ready for dinner. If you can tolerate each other's outrageous selfishness, you'll enjoy a loving friendship that's as true as steel. Naturally, you share many interests, including film, painting and contacts sports.

My Interests

Surfing Internet ~ Shopping

I'd like to meet:

AnyOne...who want to be my friends... i'm waitin' for you


ClubFm ~ Club UK


I've watched Ghost Rider!! its cool!!


Heroes ~ Prison Break ~ Kyle xy ~ Amazing race*all star ~ Kidnapped ~ Las Vegas ~ Csi:Miami ~ antm ~

My Blog


Hmm...nampaknyer mmg i bz gilerrr. Hampir 2 tahun tak update Blog nih... So..i gonna share a good recipe for today. Grilled Rib Eye Steaks INGREDIENTS 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup sliced green onions...
Posted by ~Amy leena on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:09:00 PST

Cinta Lagiii....

Hmm...hidup nie tak semestinya... Biler dah jumpa aper yg dicari asyik  memanjang... Seronok gak biler  ni. Buat semua bende pun . ...
Posted by ~Amy leena on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 03:38:00 PST


'cinta..? i tak tau nak ckp pasal cinta..tapi kalau kita dah suka kat someone, mesti lama2 kita sayang kan?.....lepas tu cinta kan?.... tapi bagaimana pula dgn someone yang dah frust...lepas tu na...
Posted by ~Amy leena on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Weiii.....!!! kawan2 out there! bulan puasa dah dekat dah...tinggal 1 ari jer tinggal...yg tak penah puasa2 sebelum nie...bawak2 lah bertaubat...hihihihi...apesal lah korang tak puasa walaupun sebulan...
Posted by ~Amy leena on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I got B- in my Program c.....

I'm shocking when i check my result this night...i pass all my subject.. The most thing i care is my program C. I was took this subject for 3 times and at least i got B-. You know what, the night be...
Posted by ~Amy leena on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST