::::Azril:::: profile picture



About Me

Welcome To My Humble PageHi! I like to hang around with friends. Small guy with big ambition. hehehe. Like to play around. Low profile kind a guy. Doesn't like to show off. Moderate and friendly.

My Interests

I like music, mp3s, movies, hang around, computers and games.

I'd like to meet:

Friendly people. All sorts of people that can accept me for what I am. Hey for those people who wanna make friends with me and they using hotmail u can chat with me using msn messenger. Here the address: [email protected], [email protected]

I think this may interest u all.... How about a game of pool aeyy...


Depends on mood. What I like the most is Creed, matchbox twenty, evanescense and linkin park.


action packed, horror, funny and brilliant movies... movies that can make us ponder for a while.


Seldom reads novels. Only reads books for studying.