Berman! profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

alright this is what it's like. i get up in the morning, i put on any pair of socks i can find. i know some people have a problem with mixing socks, some of it due to a thickness ratio, i've got no problem at all in that arena, in fact any sock i'll dooooo. after that it's you a trip to the bathroom, whether to piss or jerk off first is always a tough decision. and while masturbation and meditation are close, they are deffinately not the same thing, i don't care what the Dali Llama says. at a point i realize that a fruitless nation bears only sour thoughts. and i could go for a sour margarritta right about now, but unfortunately it's after two in the morning here and there just isn't enough tequilla to go around. and while the bar spins a slow melody and the crowd winds down. i find myself in in a place and time where all have forgotten, that to live today is joy and to die tommorrow is a fact.

My Interests

i never knew that when i dove into you, i would hit the bottom so soon.

I'd like to meet:

the monster in my closet and pepole who'll let me spit on them, in a literal sense.


Some of it's good. Some of it's bad. And both lists are too long to list here.


lynch, burton, jackson, schaefer, the die hard trilogy, herzog especially the one about dwarves, hal is cool, anything with parker, johnny depp when he's not playing gay pirates, and whatever other embaressing movies i own.


"i don't watch television and you'll notice i said television not TV. TV is nickname and nicknames are for friends and television is no friend of mine."


Hunter S. talked alot about the fear, Sartre knew about nausea and maybe a little about everthing else, Burroughs knew junkies and queers, his son knew a bit about speed. Bukowski knew a few women in his days, neil gaiman is a personal friend of every god ever, Hitler knew a bit about his life, but none of Mein. Richard Brautigan can teach you how to trout fish, Algren could teach you the rest. Celine was an Anti-Semite, but after reading a few pages into "journey" i can forgive him for that. Hamsun knew he was hungry for anything but this life. Camus is a stranger to us all. Henry Miller, "the happy rock", never knew when to shut his fucking mouth and i can't thank him enough for every word he couldn't keep to himself. Noam sometimes curves a little to the left, but i guess only Loa Tzu knew the true middle. Huxley and Orwell saw things a little differently, but if you combine their futures you get a pretty good glimpse of our present. there are a few more that knew what they we're talking about, Harry Crewes and Kurt Vonnegut. Murakami and Kenzaboru Oe both know what their doing. And i love them all for letting me in on their little secrets about life.


Steve McQueen.

My Blog


    for a few short days my bed smelled of a perfume, it's name i couldn't tell you, it's scent i could describe for days. maybe 'days' is a bit of an exageration, but who cares? the po...
Posted by Berman! on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 03:20:00 PST

my future may be bright, but i stopped wearing sunglasses a long time ago. i may be blind now.

the days roll by. most hours spent sleeping the others spent drinking. i steal some time from drinking to get some more sleep. other times it's the other way around. either way it's a lifetime spent d...
Posted by Berman! on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 02:59:00 PST

perfection. it's not as fleeting as i thought.

a glass of bourbon in reach, a book in my lap and my dog sitting with his head rested on my leg. perfection defined. the bourbon soothes, the book inspires, my dog comforts. it's said that people who ...
Posted by Berman! on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 08:59:00 PST


the germination of every feeling ever had. the timid trim where we fall for one and not the other. time is spent here or there. for how long? who knows? my guess is as good as your's. as cars pass me ...
Posted by Berman! on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 09:19:00 PST

a bit like the dead

sometimes i tend to feel a bit like shaun in 'shaun of the dead'. not that i go around clubbing the walking dead with a bat or anything, i do own 'the zombie survival guide' though. i don't hav...
Posted by Berman! on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 04:24:00 PST

drink, read, drink, read, drink, read, and eventually sleep

by two today i'd had enough coffee to make my hands shake, read through half a book and started on a 'maker's on the rocks' to help me settle my shaking hands and thus make it easier to finish my...
Posted by Berman! on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 02:57:00 PST

and if beer could flow forever

the world leaders would throw back their 'arms' and reduce themselves to the civil positions that they should be holding. there would be a flood into into the streets and instead of bats people w...
Posted by Berman! on Fri, 21 Oct 2005 10:44:00 PST


walking... that's what i do, my car sits still and i keep going. forced to move through a place i don't understand. through life skipping a few stones here and there, but mostly stumbling over them. ...
Posted by Berman! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a thought that hurts

poster board memories fly in the wind. thumbtacks come unstuck. times forgotten so quickly. would it have been better to just forget or to let a picture be the only thing to spark a memory. through to...
Posted by Berman! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

everything that can go wrong will

that fucking murphy guy sure had it right. orlando is a great city as usual, my car on the other hand is not. well you know, better here than in the desert. things will be back on track by monday.
Posted by Berman! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST