Raza profile picture


Mi Hente

About Me

I'm trying to create a place where mexicans can get information relating to their race/cultural backround. I'm was born in mexico but was raised here in the USA. This is a great country but unfortunately it is still pleagued with ingorance and racism amongst all races/ethnicities groups. I'm sure this is something that will be around for sometime, considering civil rights were only given to minorities in the 60's. The fact that we dont get along even now, show that we still need to change. I believe that tolerance has gone up in America but not understanding. I've found that in general hispanics dont have information that is important or useful in the growth of our minds, ideas, and thought processes. My idea is to have a more united hispanic community. This is a NONE HATE website, IGNORANCE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, this is simply an information site. I will try and post links that relate to hispanics notably mexicans. I will also try and add any other useful or educational information that I believe that we as people in general should have. If you'd like me to find information that your interested in or know of a website that would benefit hispanics feel free to tell me.

My Interests

I will put links to facts, statistic, information that is useful in the education of hispanics.MEXICO/MESOAMERICA HISTORY- http://www.mexconnect.com , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Mexico WHY DO WE CELEBRATE CINCO DE MAYO?- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinco_de_Mayo (You need adobe to read this article)HEALTH AMONGST HISPANIC WOMEN-http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/ad/ad368.pdf

I'd like to meet:

Other people who are anti-ingorance and would like to provide usefull information that would help hispanic gain knowledge.


I'm not sure what we can put here. maybe some new about up and coming latin music or contribiters to latin music.


I'd like to place movies that are general good, or make people think or open their horizon's.


I think we as people in america watch to much of this thought I must admit I like to do so myself.


I'd like to put books that have good insight and greate new thought not just necessarily relating to the hispanic race.


I'd like to put important hispanic figures here with a little background.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !