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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

So you wanna know about me eh? Well your gonna have to wait alittle while on that one. I personally dont like talking about myself unless asked, but more importantly than that there all sorts of diffrent sides to me that are trying to push for the forward seat that I'm not even sure who I am myself. You could even ask people who have known me for years, and I'm sure that each person would tell you something diffrent. Kinda sad aint it. But no matter, I'm trying to find my true self. It'll take a bit of time but I'll find the answer soon enough. Till then, youll have to make up your own minds as to who I am, just by talking to me. I do enjoy a good chat. You can message me on Yahoo at FinalRequim1983. Sorry for the convience.Myspace Contact Tables
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet. Well the answer to that is pretty simple. People. I want to meet all diffrent types of people. Continually meeting the same type of person over and over again gets boring. We all need some variety in our lives. Me , I haven't had anything to do with people for over a year now, well other than my job. Let me say one lil thing, lonliness is a dangerous thing. Enough said. It's time I got my act together and started getting back out there, in the real world. I want to have friends like I did a couple years ago, a group of friends that was always laughing, a group of friends when you had a bad day at work or in general brought a smile to your face, a group of friends that you couldnt wait to see and just vent the crap of the day. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I miss having that and want to have that again.
Your Power Color Is Teal
At Your Highest:

You feel accomplished and optimistic about the future.

At Your Lowest:

You feel in a slump and lack creativity.

In Love:

You tend to be many people's ideal partner.

How You're Attractive:

You make people feel confident and accepted.

Your Eternal Question:

"What Impression Am I Giving?" What's Your Power Color? How do you see life?
Life is good and bad. You know it can never be perfect and that it never have been, and you're fine with that. You still feel it's important to live life since it can end any day and not sulk because of some little failure in life. You are often a happy person, still you don't laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm aura and most people feel comfortable around you.
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Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you don't know them. If you see a person trip you worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones first and you're very mature. When someones sick you're nurturing and always try to help family and friends when failure strikes them. You can be called the motherly one, if you are in a group of people, which doesn't have to be bad. Love is something that's already in you and you have a lot to give whether you believe it or not. Your friends probably love you very much and come to when they need help since you're reliable. People can feel secure with you and generally like you.
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Your element is Water. You have a calm aura around you and are in tune with the world around. You observe it but rarely interfere. Because of your shy and timid nature you will not have so many friends in your life. But then again, large crowds aren't your thing anyway. You are comfortable on your own and are reserved to others who you don't know or know very little of. You know everyone out there does not want to be your friend, and knowing that is good. However, people who don't know you that well thinks that you are cold and distant since you don't want to talk to them. Although you mean no harm, you can't always be perfectly understood in the world. No one can. Life in general are you quite serene with even if there are some things you don't like. Your love-life is not so full of boys/girls, but if you flirted more with the ones you were interested in I'm sure something would happen. The hobbies you choose are calmer ones, you are no party person that likes to drink and make-out with three or more guys/girls in one night. Reading a book or swimming is more your thing.
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Your power is: Extreme healing powers

Explanation: When injured your body focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard to kill and you can help people in danger using yourself as a shield. Almost anything is possible in combat but you prefer looking after others. In bad purposes you can do the same as above but for evil intentions.
This power fits you pretty good since you want to help those around you, and when you are pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle. You are caring and nurturing and are more a pascifist. Even if you know there are much unfairness in the world you still chose to see from a positive angle because you belive in the good of this world. You are probably friendly and have a soft spot for people who are not accepted. Though to others you come of as naive and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of if the wrong person comes around. Even if you could be seen as pure, you are not that completely since you're human and make mistakes too.
Negative aspects: If your naiveness has been making you blind for too long you could go into dark thinking.

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Warning: getimagesize( 131255582_Love.gif): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/www/quizilla/htdocs/codepastes/showQuiz.php on line 376
What Power do you hold? (10 results
LOVEYou hold Power over Love. You are the most powerful of all, though many do not realize it. You are so full of love, you hate very few things, but the one thing you really hate is hate itself. You can't stand it when people fight and wish everyone would just love and be happy. Your power over people is amazing and you enjoy it when everything goes happily ever after.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What's Your Inner Angel? 17 diff results! Anime Pics!
You're the Guardian Angel! You are kind and care for everyones safety. You can sometimes be overly protective, but that's alright. You love all and hope that the Earth would someday become a safe place to be.
Ability to protect all with your touch.
Flowing white dress with purple ribbons, Golden necklace with turquoise gem, pale creamy pink hair and golden eyes, halo and smaller pinky white feathery wings
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You have Raven Eyes!
Positive Traits: Intellectual, Wise, Experienced, Honest, Trustworthy
Negative Traits:
Pompous, Condescending, Withdrawn, Pessimistic, Depressed
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
People see love in your eyes. You either love everyone around you ooor...somebody's in loooove, no? Seriously, though... You seem to have a lot of love in your heart right now. You're singing songs and picking flowers...or at least you feel like doing so. And we can't forget floating on air, right? Well, don't let anyone ruin that for you, and if things don't turn out...don't worry over it. There are worse things, and you know it.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code What Type of Warrior are You. (For Girls AND Boys) Long quiz. Be prepared.
You are a Peacekeeper!You don't fight with weapons. The only thing you use is your voice and your words. You despise killing, and wish that people can find other solutions to their problems. Whenever a problem arises, you try to look at it in every different angle before choosing the one that would benefit the parties involved. You are a strong person at heart, and would never use a weapon to demonstrate your strength. Weapon: VoiceValue: peaceFeelings: Passionate and serene
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You are a peaceful sleeper. You recognize that sleep is a necessary part of life, and understand that there is no way for you to fully appreciate everything around you if you dont give yourself a break once in a while. You are a very calm and collected person who seems to have all of their ducks in a row, so to speak. You enjoy life without getting over-enthusiastic and appreciate harmony in all things.
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The animal that would befriend you is a deer. You are likely to be quite shy and simple, but you are extremely kind. You think before you speak, and don't anger easily. You trust people easily, so you could get hurt a lot, but most people wouldn't want to hurt you because you are so sweet.Color: All shades of green, and whiteSeason: SummerMonth: August
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Are You Kinky?

Nice work! Mmmm. You enjoy tripping the light fantastic and exploring new avenues. You delight in the temptations of the flesh. You find candles lit during sex to be erotic. You are a fanatic in the bedroom. You love to explore and try new things. You enjoy hot fragrant steamy baths as well. Nothing is off limits to you. You rule the roost and know it. And you leave your partner virtually breathless. You may also leave your virtual partners' breathless. Keep up the good work!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What dragon species are you? (Stunning pics)

Ultimate Elemental Dragon
You are the true ultimate dragon. You have the powers of all the other elemental dragons. You control everything and have interests in every part. for example the fire dragon loves things to do with fire whereas you like fire, water, lightning etc etc. You are considered dragon royalty.(NOTE: THIS DRAGON WAS HAND DRAWN BY ME)

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! What elemental dragon are you?
Your an electric Dragon! Well, Well, Well, Speedy! Electic dragons are just do darn quick, which means you must be quick at something. Whether its running, swimming, or answering questions, you are super speed. But of course, you have a craze for video games or computers. You can play amazingly at any game or at least try to. Go you!
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You are speed and finesse. Your refined moves are often superior to brutish and clumsy power.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Take the quiz:
What animal-spirit lives inside of you?

The spirit of the bird lives inside of you.Birds are free and considered to be happy, humming and singing their lovely tunes all the time.They are pure and innocent.So are you.You have a sunny spirit and always try to help.But sometimes, tie a ribbong around your heart easily and you feel sad and helpless.Then you need to think of the birds flying in the sky, wild and free, humming their songs of joy and trying to cheer up the sad ones in this world.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook! ~~Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers~~
Your wings are DRAGON wings. Massive and covered in scales, they shimmer with strength and magic. They are the most obvious display of your power - though it runs equally throughout your heart and mind. You are uncompromising and grave, with a profound sense of justice. You have firm ideas about what is right and what is wrong and set out to fix what problems you can. You realize that you are more capable of dealing with life and evil than most, and as such you see it as your responsibility to protect those who cannot defend themselves. You have existed since antiquity and as such you are wise far beyond your years in this lifetime. While you strive for fairness and peace, if someone should steal from your cave of treasure (though not all that glitters is gold) or compromise the happiness of you or one who is close to you - they have signed their death warrant. You have a mighty vengeance and will unleash it upon such people immediately and mercilessly. Arguing with you is rarely back down and are known for holding firm in your beliefs. Sometimes you feel intensely burdened with the troubles of others...acting as a Guardian can get so wearisome. But you never give see it as your life's mission. Often very introverted, you can be so's scary. Such a combination of intelligence, creativity, power, beauty, and magic is often intimidating to those around you - who are also unlikely to understand you. Arrogant, proud, overserious, and sometimes a bit greedy or obsessed with whatever treasure you choose to have enchanted people for centuries, and will continue to do so.Image Source: ictures/dragon.jpg
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You are followed by the Demon of Kindness. True that doesn't really sound like a demon, but this Demon makes you care a lot about other people and leave little time for yourself. People love you for that, but how much do you love yourself? If you really want this Demon to leave, teach others how to stand on their own two feet and maybe turn down the ones who only use you. This is probably the best Demon to be stuck with though.
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I'm a fan of most of the music thats out there, except country and rap. Seems like I've been getting into more Metal and Trance/dance music now a days. Favorite bands right now include System of a Down and Avenged Sevenfold. I also listen to music alot that most people would say insn't true music because of where it came from. Hell I even started a webstream DJing thing just to let it be played. But unfortunetly it never got really far, due to lack of original music (too many remixes) and listeners. Oh well was fun while it lasted :D


Here's some Carlos Mencia stand-up videos for ya. Enjoy!
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My main interests for tv are animated shows like Family Guy and South Park. Next its stand up specials on Comedy Central. After that a couple placed shows like House and NCIS.


I'd have to say I have 2 heros right now. Number 1 is and has to be my mother. Shes a strong woman whos been through alot of crap. More than I wish she didnt have to go through but did, some even for my sake. I may not tell her I love her, and probably dont even show it but I do. Number 2 is more recent and you've probably have heard of him. Carlos Mencia. Why him? It's because of the views he has and his outlook on life. If you havent heard of him, look him up on Comedy Central. The man speaks alot of truths that most people dont see, think, say, or do. But he will. He's a genius in my opinion and definetly my second hero.

My Blog

Mad World

Ok so have you heard the song "Mad World"? If you watch tv, you might have seen commercials for Gears of War. In that commercial they play a snippet of the song. When i first heard it, i recognized it...
Posted by ruben on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 02:53:00 PST

Huzzah to meeting new people!

So yeah I know its been awhile since I've actually posted anything new but been out and about, which is alittle unusual(sp) for me. Well guess I should start out by saying that Nick had gotten a new p...
Posted by ruben on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 01:36:00 PST

Texas Hold'Em and Razz

    Ok so if you didnt know, I'm a novice poker player. Yeah got into it whilst watching WSOP. I got an account with Full Tilt poker and been playing on and off. Needless to say, if I w...
Posted by ruben on Wed, 24 May 2006 01:46:00 PST

Survey Answers/Look into the past

    So yeah if you havent looked, I took some of those lil surveys to see what kind of person you are. Did you take a look? If not then go look, duh. Some of the results surprised me, a...
Posted by ruben on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:07:00 PST