Starzy Singers profile picture

Starzy Singers


About Me

The history of Starzy Singers is as simple as the history of... The band was conceived in Warsaw of the early 1990s, initially as a pathological outburst of two deeply troubled men: Seszel (a thoroughly educated bass player with a velvet voice) and Bartek Magneto (a versatile musician with a peculiar take on reality). Soon they were joined by Dziamdzia, a very picky guitarist known for his impeccable articulatory skills. After Macio came into the picture, a drummer who broke a strictly limited number of sticks and mallets, the band jumped head first into the Warsaw music scene, giving life to the old slogan First We Take Our Cellar, Then We Take Manhattan, Then We Take Berlin, And Then The Whole World. In 1996, having played countless giggs across Poland, all of them in the capital city of Warsaw, Starzy Singers recorded the music for their debut album Obreola, released the following year by Studio Zlota Skala (the humble and permamently short-budgetted Golden Rock Records). The next album (entitled Rock-a-Bubu) was recorded in 1998 and released in 1999. It met with an unprecedented reaction of awe and distress, both among listeners and the media. The band became hugely popular very very famous and universally admired. In the meantime, a singer slash dancer Mania joined. Starzy Singers assumed a slightly more intensive concert schedule, which resulted in their participation in a few interesting festivals, and a tour of Germany and Amsterdam. In 2000, they teamed up with Patyczak of Brudne Dzieci Sida (Sid's Dirty Kids) to give birth to a hybrid known under the name Starzy Sida (Sid's Parents). The fruit of that collaboration was a number of giggs and a record released in 2001. In the summer of 2003, Starzy Singers went into the studio again to record their third album. However, after having finished it, they decided not to play anymore (for various reasons, none of them worth mentioning). The record was submitted to mastering and mixing experts for mastering and mixing procedures, which the experts conducted without unnecessary haste, and in April of 2005 the album was released by the newly conceived label Lado ABC. Its name Takie jest c'est la vie, which is Polish for That's The Way C'est La Vie Goes. Having rested their minds and fingers a little, the band realised that lack of noise is in no way comforting, and they decided to start playing again (for various reasons, none of them worth mentioning) in the original quartet line-up. Their most recent achievement was recording a song with the renowned singer and poet, Marcin Swietlicki, to the lyrics of Wladyslaw Broniewski, the war-time and post-war-time poet. The song appeared on the Tribute to Broniewski album released by the Raster gallery. And no one has heard from them since... Gettin' jiggy with it? Most certainly.

"Ombreola" (Gold Rock 1997 / Post Post 2000)

"Rock-a-bubu" (Antena Krzyku 1999)

Starzy Singers/19 Wiosen: "Split LP" (Malarie 1999)

"Takie jes c'est la vie" (Lado ABC 2005)

historia starych singers jest prosta jak ten, no... zespol powstal w warszawie na poczatku lat 90tych. wstepnie jako wynaturzenie dwoch panow: seszela - starannie wyedukowanego basisty o aksamitnym glosie; i bartka magneto - wszechstronnego muzyka o ciekawym spojrzeniu na rzeczywistosc. po pewnym czasie zasilil ich dziamdzia - bardzo szybko kostkujacy gitarzysta z nienaganna technika artykulacyjna. a po dojsciu macia - perkusisty lamiacego ograniczone ilosci paleczek, zespol ruszyl pelna para realizujac haslo "wczoraj kotly, dzisiaj wembley, jutro caly swiat". w roku 1996 po zagraniu wielu koncertow w kraju, a uscislajac - w jego stolicy, starzy nagrali material na plyte "ombreola" wydana rok pozniej nakladem studio zlota skala. kolejna plyta nagrana w roku 1998, a wydana w 1999, o interesujacym tytule "rock-a-bubu" odbila sie szeroka czkawka tak w srodowisku sluchaczy jak i mediow, medii, medyj. o zespole zrobilo sie glosniej. w miedzyczasie zespol zasilila wokalistko-tancerka mania. starzy rozpoczeli intensywniejsze koncertowanie co zaowocowalo wystepem na kilku ciekawych festiwalach oraz trasa po niemczech i amsterdamie. w roku 2000 wraz z patyczakiem (brudne dzieci sida) powolali do zycia hybryde o pieknie brzmiacej nazwie starzy sida, czego efektem byla pewna ilosc koncertow oraz wydana w 2001 roku plyta tegoz potwora. latem 2003 starzy ponownie weszli do studia, tym razem sopockiego schronu im.adama mickiewicza by zarejestrowac swoj trzeci album. po nagraniu go jednakowoz zdecydowali, ze nie beda juz dalej grac (z roznych powodow, ktorych wymienic tu nie sposob). plyta w tzw. relaksacyjnym tempie zostala poddana obrobce dzwieku i wlasnie ukazuje sie nakladem wytworni lado abc, a na imie jej "takie jest c'est la vie". natomiast sami starzy odpoczawszy nieco, poczuli ze brak halasu nie koi ich nerwow i zdecydowali sie ze beda dalej grac (z roznych powodow, ktorych wymienic tu nie sposob) w swym pierwotnym kwartetowym wcieleniu. ostatnim dokonaniem starych jest nagrana wspolnie z marcinem swietlickim piosenka do tekstu wladyslawa broniewskiego na plyte wydana przez galerie raster. i tu historia sie urywa... koko drzambo? jes.
Ombreola (Gold Rock 1997 / Post Post 2000) Rock-a-bubu (Antena Krzyku 1999) Starzy Singers/19 Wiosen: Split LP (Malarie 1999) Takie jes c'est la vie (Lado ABC 2005)

My Interests


Member Since: 5/9/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Seszel Smierc Pytolejra Filozof-Srozof Andrzej Szezlong Pan Buczko General Bednarek p. Naczelnik Zezi Szeherezada Sasanka Phillip Ten Co Robi Bydlo Sherlock Holmes - bass, voc

Lopez Soarez Dziad Szybki Jak Blyskawica Big Chrupka Papierowy Tygrys Komendant Dziadyga Ricky Martin- guitar, voc

Magneto Manetka Manetko Manetkow Belus Penna Flor Moge Ale Nie Chce- guitar, voc

Macio Moretti Forini Leonsjo Puszkin-Erapszyn Terrance -drums, voc

Sounds Like:

Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie