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About Me

old songs – UNREALESED – „afraid of getting wet” – first band session – recorded by nosek - june of 1998 (next old song – next month)______________________________________________________ ___________Here are the following legendary and now non-available CDs"Kristen" 2000 (gusstaff records) "Stiff Upper Worlds" 2002 (gusstaff records) "Please Send Me a Card" 2003 (ampersand records) "Night Store" 2005 (lado abc)________________________________________________________ _________The band still plans to save the world.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/24/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Mateusz Rychlicki (drums) Lukasz Rychlicki (guitar) Michal Biela (baritone guitar, vocals).ex members: Konrad Smolenski (bass guitar) Marcin Piekoszewski (guitar, drums) Bartek Slaby (guitar, drums)

Sounds Like: kristen
Record Label: gusstaff/ampersand/lado abc
Type of Label: Indie

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