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Everything is nothing. Nothing is everything. Remember.

About Me

It all started Sep. 1 1988...brought into a world of chaos, I was forced to begin a life most will never fully understand. Influenced by many people, raised by self, I grew into a lost girl. In time I learned that this was just life, I had to just cope or give into statistics. Born rebel, I said fuck that. My mother held my hand, my father was no where near. My family situation is complicated but I love them more than anything in the universe, and all the others that exist. I have been through a lot, I have made my share of senseless decisions- but I survived and grow further away from regrets reminding myself that it is my past that has made me.You will never know anyone like me. You will probely never fully understand me. All that I ask is that you do not judge me.I am an artist, formost a make-up artist. I recently graduated Cinema Make-up school. Art is my outlet to sanity. Make-up means the world to saved odd as that may sound to you, it really did. As well as music...w/o it I dont know who or what I'd be today. I have many goals but I do not stay in a dream world, I live in reality. I only escape it in my sleep.I am Danielle Marie. I have lived many lives. Try to figure me out...I'll make you go crazy...

My Interests the dark. Watching people. Understanding people. So many people. Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Art Fashion Photography Makeup and Hair design<3 Writing... Poetry... Lyrics... understanding meanings. History. Beading...Kandi<3 Sky scrapers, fast cars, loud noise...the city. Clouds Oceans Rain Flowers Rainbows Trees Mother Nature...and the way she works. Dancing<3 in the mirror. Smoking pot<3...and listening to music really stoned:)


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I love the magic of movie making<3 Girl Interrupted The Craft 300 Gia Scarface Street Trash Natural Born Killers Vanity Fair (many more to be added)


I don't want to be brainwashed by corporate america there for i do not watch tv.


I just finished the first book I have completed in like 6 or 7 years! It was a beautiful book that at the moment is my favorite...check it out...Venus in Furs


My mother wins this title for sure. She has made it through things I could not gives me hope and strength on those days I feel I cant maintain. She has been the best mother I could have ever hoped for. We have been through so much together...she never gave up on me. For mom is my hero.