Change starts from within and the spirit of change is infectious. Join us as we celebrate the spring solstice, as we take a positive step towards building a community, and as we celebrate the birthday of Brian "Uhm" Aldridge.Your purveyors of change:Spiritual Path: Progressive & Psychedelic TranceFreedom (Esoteric Generation) Arkansas
Shagee (Esotheric Generation) Missouri
Klapton (Atrium Obscurum/Optiphonic) Dallas
Tekmoe - DallasEmotional Path: Hard Style/Happy HardcoreDJ Drew (Texas HardStyle Hitterz) Dallas
RoboJoe (Texas HardStyle Hitterz) Dallas
SpunkyDaBunny (Purple Monkey) Dallas
MoonStruck Red (Purple Monkey) DallasMental Path: Electro/Techno/Prog & PsyTranceTyler J (Afterlife) Dallas
Transplant (Project Record Label/Semiotic Entertainment) Dallas
Dionysis (Sonic Convergence) Dallas
Simon (Afterlife) Dallas
Yonykidd (Afterlife/Dose Locos/Elysium) DallasLocation: Afterlife
1819 W. Northwest Hwy Dallas, TX 75220Admission: $15 for 17+ w/valid ID
There will be a 21+ BYOB areaFlyer design: eckoe www.machine-elf.comThe onset of the year 2008 has come with the spirit of change rushing across the consciousness of our society. There are many things that weigh heavy on the people of our country, and it is our individual responsibility to face those burdens. From global warming, to alternative fuels, to our dependency on oil, our economy, health care, political corruption, and most importantly civil rights. We all have a voice and it needs to be heard. In order to help facilitate change we will have a voter registration table setup from the beginning of the party until sometime around 1AM. Please feel free to stop by and take the first step towards making yourself heard.