...Lil...SnOwCaPp... profile picture


...I'm not weird...I'm just cooler than...YOU...

About Me

♥I am Danielle!
♥I am a SENIOR!
♥I'm a H.O.P.E.L.E.S.S.romantic
♥I am kinda IN LOVE with Micheal!

"That's just it, he's everything I'm not.
You know, he's my other half. Without him I'm not whole.
You know the thing about meeting your other half is you're walking around,
you think you're happy, you think you're whole,
then you realize you ain't shit without him.
Then you can't go back to being just a half
'cause you know what it's like to be whole."



My Interests

I'd like to meet:

♥someone loves you.


♥♥ Anne: Anne has been my best friend since 3rd grade! I love her like she was my own sister. we complete each other: she's my loudness, and I'm her softness. I'm her dance, and she's my flag. She's the Betty, and I'm the Veronica. We're each other's lives, and I couldn't live w/o her!

♥♥ Micheal: Micheal is like my best friend. I can tell him anything, and he can tell me anything. We see each other everyday and we never get sick of one another. I always think of him even when he's not around. I can be myself around him, and he doesn't even care. I love him with all my heart. He is my husband. He is my Life. He is my EVERYTHING

...and AP, AG, and JI! ♥

My Blog

In Courtesy of the Stars

10 Reasons Why I Love Him: 1. He Makes me laugh about anything 2. Even when I'm having a not-so-good kind of day, he always seems to brighten it up 3. He would stop whatever he was doing to talk to...
Posted by ...Lil...SnOwCaPp... on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 03:42:00 PST