Life, meditation, weekend adventures, politics, poker, darts and baggo, Detroit sports, cooking and sharing good food.
Neil Gaiman, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Ron Paul, Thom York, Stephen Colbert, and all the unspoken prophets.
The media woke up to Ron Paul on the 5th of November, this time they'll be ready for the Boston Tea Party version 2 on the 16th of December!Well said, Mr. Olberman: sponsored Impeachment Townhall Meeting in Detroit, 5/29/07.
Blues, Jazz, whiny alt-indy rock. Radiohead, Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Greyboy, The Smiths, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Eric's Trip, The Tragiclly Hip, The Afghan Whigs, Pearl Jam, Muddy Waters, Wilco, Robert Johnson, The Verve, Jeff Buckley, Catherine Wheel, Kanye West, A Tribe Called Quest, Johnny Cash, Outkast, Ryan Adams, Ween, DMB. Most bands that play at the Elbow Room in Ypsilanti... Any thing that qualifies as intense fun make your heart and mind melt music.
Pan's Labyrinth, Volver, V for Vendetta, Lord of the Rings trillogy, Kill Bill I and II, Constantine, the Matrix trillogy, most movies with Christopher Walken, Robert De Niro, Al Pachino, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Selma Hayek, Peneolpe Cruz, or Natalie Portman. I like movies that have black humor, dry whit, or that make me think.
Comcast is dead to me. But when I had television watching habits I consumed: Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Law & Order, CSI, Now, Meet the Press, 60 Minutes, Austin City Limits, Soundstage, Frontline, and other PBS type of stuff.
Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Clausewitz, Nietzsche and Marx, Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs. All the Shah's Men, by Stephen Kinzer; All Alone in the World, by Nell Berstein. The Sandman, most other Vertigo Comics; all works by Neil Gaiman.
The closest thing I've had to a hero is Henry Rollins. You may understand why by watching this:Much respect to Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Gandhi, and those who stand up for justice in the face of oppression.