Rock journalism is people who can't write, interviewing people who can't talk, in order to provide articles for people who can't read.
People who read us. Good bands who want to be our friends and who want to be in our magazine. People who want to write for us. Labels and brands who'd like to support what we're doing and help spread the good word about good music that people need to have in their lives...
Read the magazine. Check out the website.
We're our own fucking heroes:
Marisa Brickman ([email protected])
Art Director
Brendan Dugan ([email protected])
Managing Editor
Cameron Cook ([email protected])
Senior Editor
Jaclyn Marinese ([email protected])
Online Editor
Alexander Henderson ([email protected])
Media Manager
Abbey Braden ([email protected])
UK Online Editor & Director of Advertising/Promo
Christel Escosa ([email protected])