Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
oh, goody! finally a place that specifies "interests" as opposed to "hobbies". "hobbies" cost money; "interests" are free, people.
already met one of those "i'd like to meet"... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .yes. you may now lick mah boots, f00ls. that's me & the boy with darth friggin' vader. and he was gracious enough to not put his hand on my butt. ha.i know, i know...i told the tall one he'd never make it as a professional photographer. *sigh*
i listen to pretty much anything & everything. the musical flavor of the day very much depends on my mood.*see below
i love bad movies. and i mean really bad movies. one of my all-time favorites is rock'n'roll high school so, yeah...i mean it when i say "bad movies". that's not to say i don't enjoy good movies, as well, but i at least recognize the fact that just because i like it, that doesn't make it "good". now that i think about it, i guess the same could be said for music & tv, too. (this is my friggin' page, i don't care if it's in the wrong section.) for instance, i love "rock me amadeus" and pretty much anything on the revenge of the nerds OMPST and i love "the surreal life". not exactly high-quality entertainment there, but i acknowledge that & i'm perfectly ok with it.
*see above
i'll read just about anything i can get my hands on.
my kids and pretty much anyone who can be completely honest with themselves and those around them and STILL be able to look at themselves in the mirror without even the slightest twinge of disgust.