...Football....Beer....M8s......Girls.....nothin more is needed... MyGen Profile Generator
Anyone....Im not fussy....the enitre Utd squad ....Oasis....Girls without WILLYS....Or boys with them.....o yea......my m8s over n over agen....
Indie.....Hardcore.....hip/hop.....trance.....Drum n Bass....(Any genre I missed)
Borat...Kidulthood.....Napoleon dynamite....Adult films....(Homos included)....
Shameless.....The Office.....Extras.....Mock of the week....
...Harry potter is the way forward.....I u disage i will destroy u......avada kedavra ...... haha
Bettsy....Dano....Baz.....DOOOHAN....Scouse.....Stanley....S ian....Lil nat....Gibbo.....Dani....evry1 i talk too...coz if i dont....I think ur an ARSEWIPE....jus playin....