Most excitingly, and possibly relevantly for Myspace, I am a writer for the finest underground metal zine known to man, and some beasts, Vampire Magazine
I'm still enthusiastic and unjaded enough to want to hear new bands and new stuff, so add me up if you're interesting. I'll get cynical and develop a coke habit soon and then your chance at fame will be gone. I'm into METAL- black death thrash folk viking funeral motherfucking doom.... that kind of stuff...please think REALLY HARD before attempting to add me. Here's a hint- take a look at my 'music' box further down the page. Clever squirrel.
In an attempt at a more serious and down-to-earth bio, I am originally from Scotland, though am now wandering the wastelands of northern England, in search of the perfect pasty. I lived in Liverpool for 4 years but have just landed in beautiful, medieval, gorgeous, interesting York.
I am just finishing my tenure as a grad student in Medieval Studies, which means that I have been reading Middle English all day and then stroking my chin about it for the past year. My main and enduring research interest has been the Guy of Warwick romances. Soon I have to get a Real Career, which is lame and I'm not thinking about it too hard. I don't care! I fucking hate working. Why isn't 'fangirl' a paid profession?
I live with my partner Luke, who carries the dictaphone, fixes my laptop when I drop vodka on it, and reaches things off the high shelves for me. In a word, he is fantastic.
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