could say I'm a dating Toucan. Here are a few of my favourite dating
tips and ideas...
A Secret Women Know
That Men Don't!
I'd like to tell you a story.........
It's a story that you might find strangely familiar. Don't be alarmed.
Once upon a time, there was a man who was very attracted to a
particular woman.
At first, she was just another attractive woman... but the more he
got to know her, the more he began to feel attracted to her... and
the more time he spent with her, the more that attraction grew into
a deep emotional attachment and affection for her.
But there was one problem.
As his emotional attachment grew stronger and stronger, he also
grew more and more insecure.
Because he couldn't tell whether or not she felt the same way
towards him. Sometimes she would say things like "You are so
important to me" and "I'm glad that you're in my life"... but nothing
ever progressed past the "friendship" stage.
There was an occasional hug, an occasional kiss on the cheek from
her... and once she even held his hand for a long time while he
talked about an emotional issue.
But something was wrong with the picture.
Click here to read the rest ......
11 Important Tips on
Teen Dating
1 ACCEPT THAT DATING IS NORMAL Whatever your parents
think, teen dating is normal. You cannot learn everything that
you need to know in a classroom situation. You will have
experienced some interaction about family life at home, but it
is important that you develop your skills, in situation where you
have to give and take.
Sometimes You need to make your views very clear to
communicate what you mean. However there are instances
when your partner will not agree with you. Then the art of
compromise has to be learned. If you want to go and see a
movie, and your partner really does not, make it clear that it's
important to you to see this because, and state the reasons.
Offer to go and do something that your partner wants to do
and something that does not really appeal to you.
Negotiate a compromise.
3.PRACTISE YOUR DATING SKILLS. You are practising to find
the right guy or the right girl. accept that your first date is not
going to necessarily turn into marriage. If you mess up stand
back and ask yourself why it went wrong. Be practical about
this don't beat yourself up about it, just try and learn from
your mistakes. Non of us are perfect, and we can never attain
it, but there are certain social skills that we all need to learn.
Interacting successfully with the opposite sex is one of them
4. Click here for the remaining 8 important teen dating tips