I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and don't expect to ever live anywhere else. I love sports more than most women, especially hockey and baseball. I live my life by the golden rule. I don't cook. It's not that I don't know how, I just don't do it. I hate to go to grocery store. I love dirty jokes. I can't tolerate stupidity. People lacking common sense make me want to scream. I am a perfectionist bordering on full-blown OCD. I procrastinate better than anybody I've ever known. I hate to dust (so I don't). I'm late to work more often than not. I'm bad about washing my car or having the oil changed, but I'm paranoid about tire pressure. I despise having my picture taken. I'm friends with more men than women. I only do crossword puzzles in ink, preferrably with a fine point blue pen. I believe in ghosts and I believe there is intelligent life outside of our universe. I have psychic tendencies. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor. I try not to worry about shit I can't change. I love pie but would not turn down cake, as long as it's white cake instead of chocolate, I prefer Coke to Pepsi. I drink more beer than I should. I like violence in movies and love a good horror film. My birthday falls on the cusp of the zodiac chart. I believe in past lives and believe I have lived at least one past life. I'm afraid to fly on an airplane but would give my right arm to take a flight on the space shuttle. I want to be cremated instead of buried 6 feet under (gross!) I have a manic phobia to spiders and bees. The sight of blood doesn't gross me out. I've never broken any bones. I don't manage my money worth a damn and don't balance my checkbook regularly. I love dogs and tolerate cats. Oh yeah, and Bob Dylan is the MAN!!