I like finding things that I've never seen before. I enjoy gettig lost.
People who have something interesting to say and haven't totally gone over the deep end...People who can carry on an intellegent conversation after a bottle of Jeager and people who believe that there are an endangered species of Miniture North American Albino Bison that roam the mountains of Wyoming. Plus, anybody who thinks they got game when it comes to the putt putt.
Music is background noise of my life. It's like a coffee break for my head. Other than that check out my playlist for a taste of my taste.
Are a bunch of bright flashy pictures that dont make alot of sense anymore, but I do love a good movie.
I cant seem to pay attention long enough to watch it.
I like books. Hard to multi-task but well worth it.
People that can pick themselves up off the ground every single day and make the best out of life.