Pete profile picture


Pete's Space

About Me

I am losing weight, getting active.I am involved in a few groups here in the Seattle area.Just met a wonderful lady an have great hopes again.I am:Working in wood. Turning vases. Trying to write more. Trying new things. Exercising. Losing weight. Learning to trust others. Having a great time.

My Interests

avengers tv series, akira kurosawa, breathing, bunnies, camping, computer storage, dancing in the rain, dancing around warm bonfires, danny dalinger, drumming, dovetails, egypt, electricity, erotic art, fire dancing, flogging, free thought, hedonism, histories, h.p. lovecraft, hugs, jaguars, kilts, kisses, laughter, learning new things, making things run smoothly, masons, mathematics; mermaids, music, mystic arts, pagan festivals, parties, puns, reading, san's garlic bread, scotland, smiles, spanking, speed racer, spiral rhythms, templars, whips, william shatner, wine, woodturning, woodworking

I'd like to meet:

A person who is:Intelligent, Funny, Equal, Active, Cuddles, Cheerful,


Mostly 70's big rock bands.


British comedy



My Blog

It is hot!

The Seattle sky has turned the most unnatural shade of non-grey.  The water, our source of life has vanished.  The dread golden orb of radiation looms hard and heavy as a pestilence on the l...
Posted by Pete on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:53:00 PST


She makes me laugh. I love her wry view on the conversation. I enjoy her take charge attitude. I can relax in her arms. I hope this goes well. The deck is stacked against it. Those eyes! Peter...
Posted by Pete on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 07:55:00 PST

Rewriting the Code

Who am I? What is this person doing here? I'll have a biography out soon. My life is quite the mess right now. I could, should I wish it, pick out at least five major things that suck in my life. Mos...
Posted by Pete on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 07:54:00 PST