gettin hyphy, going stupid dumb retarded
You are Marijuana (aka: weed, dope, skunk,
chronic...). You are the most commonly used
drug in the world. You are powerful, stubborn,
moody, have a strong attitude. You are
classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.
What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality?
brought to you by Quizilla
Mac Dre
Vida Guerra
RaP....MaC DrE. (R.I.P. We'LL aLL MiSs U)...AnDrE NiCkAtiNa...E-40...ToO ShOrT...ThE GaMe...Oh Ya AnD TuPaC oF CoUrSe
ScArFaCe, YoU GoT SeRveD, aLL dA FriDaY MoViEz, CoAcH CaRtEr
CrIbZ, BET, ChAPeLLe ShOw, TeLeMuNdO..Me GuStaN LaS NoVeLaS... SaBaDo GiGaNtE FaShO