Deanooo profile picture


In the immortal words of The Hurricane... 'WADDUPWITDAT?'

About Me

My name is Deano.

I think I'm a pretty normal chap but I get told I'm weird quite a lot. Make ya own mind up.

I'm nerdy, I love my movies, music, TV, wrestling, reading, gaming, all manner of things really. Can't beat going out with mates and having a good laugh.

High fives are great. Let's bring back the jumping high five~!

I hate conflict and arguing and all that stuff, and I hate myself sometimes.

I'm a pretty jolly fella, always smiling or laughing. I don't bite :)

If you want my msn/aim, message me...

My Interests

Friends, movies, TV, gaming, music, reading, writing. Loads of stuff interests me =]

I'd like to meet:

Gotta meet Alex and Marc down the Swan one of the days.

Erm, I'd like to meet anyone cool I've met on the internet, and loads of actors/musicians/other famous peoples.


The Gaslight Anthem...and everything else.I listen to loads of stuff, mainly punk lately, but also metal, rap, pop, country, blah blah. Ask if you're really interested.


Bit like music really, I'll watch any film. Love all different types of films, ask me on msn or in person (!) for a good movie convo.


Loads of programs I love too, so just ask me if you're really that interested.


Can't beat the Darren Shan books. Also 1984, Catcher In The Rye, To Kill A Mockingbird, all the old classics. Wouldn't mind writing a book one day. I think that's one of the reasons people call me weird.


Rick Astley, Matt Striker, Bruce Campbell, Bender from The Breakfast Club.