About Me
Did you know that how you see yourself determines what kind of life you going to live? Too many people go around with low self-esteem and a poor self-image. Society has a way of conditioning people to lose through failures, rejection, and past mistakes. Don’t let society distort the true image of who you really are, you were born to win! You were created for more than just average. You were created for more than just barely getting by. God created you in His own image! You have the blood of a champion on the inside! You didn’t come from ordinary stock. You came from the best of the best. God breathed His life into you and you have His royal blood flowing through your veins. He has equipped you with everything you need to succeed. You can overcome any obstacle and accomplish every goal in your heart because you have the DNA of Almighty God! No matter where you are, no matter what you’ve done, nothing can change your DNA. If you’ll develop the right image on the inside and see yourself as a champion, God says you will become what you believe and you will live the life of victory He has in store for you!~~Joel Osteen~~
ok lets see....my name is OPHELIA and im a 35 year old mother of a beautiful 15 and a half yr old daughter and wife of 13 yrs, i love myself then my family. i start with myself cause i now believe if you cant love yourself then who can you love....here recently i have begun to look at life a whole new way, and i have became a much stronger person with the help of GOD, family, real life friends, and ones that i met on line... i like to hang out with friends for drinks HOWEVER i dont make it a point to party my life away as my family means alot more to me, so i devote my time in doing things together. i love to spend mother and daughter time with my girl bianca , she is my world she is a teen so i keep busy listening to her daily life as a teen,we are the best of friends. i am a believer in spending time and being your kids bestfriend. i am not a role model for her, but i do want to be her hero.anyway i enjoy things as in going fishing, bingo, playing pool, b-b-q with friends, having drinks with friends or just drinking alone with my man Lorgio(very fun!!)going to the beach, a fun girls night out, and then there is spending quality time with my man,my LOVE!!! (when im not on line...lol ). i find myself taking life a whole new way and thats not letting nothing get me down anymore. its true about that saying what hurts me only makes me stronger. so hey.... to my friends i have now, thanks for your friendship, and the ones to come lets get to know one another. lets make the best of time , after all life is to short to pause it on unhappy people. so lets talk , laugh, joke , play, hey and even cry together.....after all its all normal. talk to you soon !!!A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. A friend is someone we treasure for our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace. And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place
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