BeAuTy and the BeAt.... profile picture

BeAuTy and the BeAt....

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MY HEART DOES NOT STOP WHEN MY EFFORT ENDS.... THE BEAT DOES GO ON......... THOUGH FRUSTRATIONS DO GET THE BEST OF ME MY DREAMS BRING ME UP ABOVE SEA LEVEL SO THAT I DO NOT DROWN INTO ME..... BECAUSE AT TIMES I AM MY WORST ENEMY...... BUT I MUST BE STRONG AND FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT...... and as Glenn Lewis says, "AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT...." I am a LOVER and a FIGHTER...... I fight for what I LOVE..... and i LOVE what i fight against..... it's me against this cold world but GOD is my compass and my source of strength..... he sends me angels such as family and friends..... and sends me enemies to teach me lessons in patience and forgiveness..... I AM FAR FROM PERFECT AND WON'T EVER BE...... But you can learn to love me just as i have learned to love myself.... As the queen of R&B says..... Miss Mary J...... "SO TAKE ME AS I AM, OR HAVE NOTHING AT ALL....." ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE? i DARE YOU......

My Interests

doing what i do best..... rocking them keys and tickling my throat with a song or two at that..... my whole soul moves to a beat and others call it dancing.....

I'd like to meet:

Meeting new people is always good but i have more than enough loved ones to drive me to insanity or to keep me sane......



My Blog

LOVELY IS.........

lovely is the way of her.... the hips, the lips, the thighs.... lovely is the way of her....  because oh how hard she tries..... to get past all the fakeness, the hurt, and the lies.... so she ma...
Posted by BeAuTy and the BeAt.... on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 04:14:00 PST

i jst had an epiphany......

HEY I JUST FIGURED IT OUT EVEN THOUGH IT'S SUCH A SIMPLE THOUGHT.............. no one can love me better than myself......... and i'd rather hurt myself than have someone or anyone who gives me false-...
Posted by BeAuTy and the BeAt.... on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 09:56:00 PST

Jah jah Jaded baby....... the key is no longer yours i’m on a hiatus.....

damn jaded so many times but a heart as big as the world waiting for someone to immerse in the deep end of the ocean where my heart lays...... no i'm not just talkin about a significant other but othe...
Posted by BeAuTy and the BeAt.... on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 03:42:00 PST