I adore great conversations over better bottles of wine. I love to travel; I am determined to see the world - even if it must be through the eyes of others at present! Dance, Art, Science, History, Music, Film, Individuals, books, gadgets, pop culture.==================================================== =======www.contradictiondance.comCONTRADICTION DANCE: An Exchange Between Life & DanceContradiction Dance is a place where theater meets dance meets pop-culture. The company's vision is to make dances that report on, reflect, and question the world in which we live. Nurtured on the belief that artists and audience members communicate in a dialogue through a chosen medium, Contradiction Dance fosters discussion, reflection, and change through live performance and dance education.
You, I suppose... I mean, you're the one taking the time to read this! ======================================================= For those of you who wonder why people like myself commit themselves to seemingly frivolous tasks like the the arts, consider your own need to view yourself in a mirror daily, and apply that need to the world in which you live. That's the role of arts in our lives... check it out. Go see something live, experience something new... go support your performing artists. And better yet, take a friend. Reflect on what you saw/heard/experienced. Now go dancing, take a class, learn to paint, star in the play of your life! For more info on the company visit: www.contradictiondance.com
Visit freecolin.net for more audio and videoA little of most if it's canned... if it's live: jazz, blues, rock, alternative, world, musical theater. If you're going to sing to me - make it HOT!
Not really
fiction, short stories, histories, biographies, religion, fantasy, and?
Wonder Woman... of course!