WhAt Up BaBy?! My NaMe iS kRisti! i Live in CHiNo! !! I FORGIVE BUT I WILL NEVER 4GET!! AnYwAyZ BoUt Me??! hmmm..WeLL i ToTally love my best friendz AriANA & LaUrEn KiNG! more than ANYTHING !!! and SSK~ i love you giRlS!!.im lookInG foRwaRd to ActuaLLy DoinG somEThing ProduCtive w/ mY lifE*i work At ULTA!*LiFe is fuckin too Short tO hoLd gruDgEz!!.* I NevEr Think BoUT the conSeQuenCEs or OutcoMes oF thinGs i do!*I makE miStakEs!* Im A veRY Forgiving PeRson* i take ALOt of things for GrANtED!*.. i LoVe To hAve Fun anD do RanDom ShiT *Go TaNNiNG* ShOppInG* tAts*pEIrCiNGs*DanCinG* GOINg 2ClUbZ*$moNeY$*OFFRoADinG*GuCCi*HoLLiStER*MaC*ShoRt Ass SkiRtZ*KinGZ ShoWz*CounTrY*GoinG to The BeaCh!*FaKe NaiLs*TaRa ReiD*OuTa-coNtRoL BitChEz*MaKe Up*BlONdEs*and um... YoU! .. and ..I HATE!~ FaKeRz anD LiaRz!~and pEople thAt are more into ur BuSinesS than u are~ReGaRdlESS!!! morE thaN anYthing!AND FakE AsS BitChEz!! BE URSELF!..i loVe guys thAt know what ThEy WanT! i hAtE plAyinG gAmEs! MaN Up! So to All u liTTLe gamE playErZ! i guaReNtEE it.. i'LL BeaT u At uR oWn Fuckin GamE*S*S*K*SaVe H2O DrinK BEER! ...We GeT DRuNk oFF BuD liGht so FuCk thE maLT LiquOr! MuAH*~LuV ya MuAh*~found this fashion layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments
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hmm.. AnyonE thAts down to Chill! i hate dumb bitChes that think there all CutE and full of Drama!...but otherwise im down to meeT anyonE ! i love meeTing new pEople!