Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX profile picture

Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX

**YoU CaN TaKe ThE GirL OuttA tHe ParTy but Not the Party Out of ThE GiRL**

About Me

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~ITALIAN PRINCE$$~ My DirtBike, Yes I RiDe a bike good to!! A peek into my mind when its not in the gutter : )Creativity and intuition. Sees intentionally, knows intuitively.Passion and inspiration; Feel vitally alive, am passionate, i live with great enthusiasm; has imagination and hope for the future; trusts life's process. Brings heart, soul, and spirit to work. Makes a difference in the world by reaching out, touching, and hopefully even inspiring others; evokes the possible, offers the lure of becoming, and shows others their own giftedness.Engages the heart, discovers deeper meaning, serves a higher purpose; acts from purpose and meaning;continuous self-development and reflection, artistic, and reflecting through music and art. create meaning for others; link inner and outer realities, Acknowledges and uses mistakes as opportunities to learn, reflect, and forgive. Vision and insight; Sees horizons rather than borders. Self-organizing, self-regulating, Courage and accountability; Takes risks, Willing to assume full responsibility for my decisions and actions. I Keep a sense of justice and fairness towards others. authenticity. Deep listener and thoughtful thinking. Walks the talk; stands up for what is right with ultimate integrity Is honest with self and others, consistent and sincere, mutual respect. Openness and flexibility. Creates and maintains a free flow. Open-mindedness, Moves easily between cultures, Wisdom and consciousness; including awareness of own ethics and values; nurtures soulfulness. Holismunderstanding towards other people by taking their feelings into consideration; trusting relationships; listens with attention; empowerment, and cooperation. Seeks to be in service rather than in control. Attends to the well being of others ; live in peace with one another,. expects the best from people. Harmony and balance, Balance in the emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of life. Value diversity and inclusiveness; respecting different perspectives. Build bridges rather then barriers among peoples Sustains peace among others ComplexityIndividual growth, helping each person tap into the boundless human potential, No more emphasizing problems and problem solving, we need to nurture hope, discovery, and imagination. We separated our bodies from our minds, our minds from our hearts, our hearts from our soul and our souls from one another. I am interested in meeting others with positive values, integrity, self-awareness, and deeper consciousness. must be dedicated and passionate about making positive difference in the lives of people, which can only grow from enthusiasm, love, and concern.

My Interests

WE ROCK WITH RIPPED JEANS && HUGE SUNGLASSES THAT GO ALONG WITH OUR "SCREW YOU" ATTITUDES && PARTY HARD PERSONALITIES!! RUNNAAMUCK WATCH IT BITCHEZZZ!! To all my guardians thank you for always helping me fly when my wings get tired..I love Arts and science, modern design and architecture, MAKE-UP,SEXTROLOGY, music, MODELING, FASHION,MARKETING,WRITING,SALES,ENTERTAINMENT,BUSINESS,BARTE NDING,PSYCHOLOGY and Philosopy,so manyy things to chose from. I love my dog DiOr, she is a pomeraian/ maltese, def a spoiled BraT but I love her to death I go to school,model,host events,promotions,work on websites,write Earticles and i take every opportunity that interest me. I love HAVASU, Beverly hills, Palm Springs, Cruises, Traveling, Newport Beach, CaBo,Cancun, Las Vegas & MIAMI. Going to the gym, shopping, driving my BMW like a nascar driver, listening to music, watching movies, reading and writing. Im a picture freak and love taking pix anywhere i go, PhOtoShoots are fun but Auditions are a pain in the ASS, riding beach cruisers, dirt biking, skate boarding, and jet skiing.

I'd like to meet:

..-People Can Take Everything Away From You, But They Can Never Take Away Your Truth.But The Question Is Can You Handle Mine? Only few will be let in to know me in depth(the real girl at heart) and for the rest have fun get lost in my Mysterious Eyes..~*Im Danielle DuBois* Livin the southern cali dream yeaaa!! I was raised in Chino and have lived in LA for 2years now. Im Italian & French. 5'4. I have hazel/Green eyes & Blonde hair.I dont smoke Cigs and hate cig smokers. Being a Aries i am a explosion waitin to happen, sensual, adventurous, know what i want and need,ardent,loyal,sentimental,earthly,energetic,responsibil, truthful I Love my life. I've got a taste for trouble and I'm never satisfied. I know only of the open mind very seldom of the closed. My eyes are wondering, my lips are curious. play with my hip bones it will drive me wild. I'm dominating yet like to be dominated at times. I'm a huge sucker for green eyes. I think accents are sexy. I’m hard to pin down. I live to make you smile. I don’t stick around for long I’ll be inn and out of your life. I crave passion, adventure, and the forbidden. I play with my hair more than any one person probably should. Sometimes I make bad decisions but they're mine to make. I like everyone unless you give me a damn good reason not to. I’m a good girl at heart, I chose to be a bad one. . I’m very loyal and protective of my friend’s I’m very open about my sexuality I like both guys and girls. No you can not turn me straight and no I do not care if you think im straight im not the end.I Love Love TANNING I enjoy meeting new people and trying new things. I have a bit of a thrill seeking problem... I live for the moment, I live for those nights I don’t remember with the people I will remember forever, party hard, drive fast and doing random crazy stuff is what I live for and I wouldn’t have it any other way. ~I HATE Answering my phone I dont answer it alot so dont feel ignored I leave it places away from where I am. If I like you I will call you back eventually. I am the GirlNextDoor type with Sex Appeal and the Crazzy 909 Chick. LiVin ThE LuXurY LiFe, Live N Learn NO REGRETS! Killing Time on MySpace, Enjoy Flirting and being SeXxXi, im optimistic, very determined when i have goals and love to smile,i enjoy romance, kissing ,holding hands, intimacy, very outgoing, love random things at the spur-of-the-moment, im independent and dont usually accept help from others. I love looking at hot bodies Mmm so sexxi, love those "V" sex lines, sumones eyes and smile usually catch my attention, i hate ignorant people and LIARS. -Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and i'm yours forever**No Drama i laugh at those chicks, im above the scene and deeper then you think, im known to speak my mind and it gets me in trouble at times, i can be a bitch, i can be a lover, im very secure, i have morals and believe in karma. If your two faced, stay AwAy, to many of you people out there. I want to meet my other half. Someone who can amaze me with unbearable passion for one another. Who can effortlessly take my breath away after every glance. Run with me where ever life takes us. Someone with a you and me against the world attitude. They will refuse to ever let me go. Make me fall in Love on day one and drive me crazy for a lifetime. This person I would die without.until then...I DON'T WANT A RELATIONSHIP. I think will be single for a LONG time. Id Love it if you proved me wrong.As Far As Friendships Go...I mostly enjoy being around people with extreme personalities people who will leave a lasting impression in my ever changing world.I want to meet someone strong minded who will stick around even when things get complicated.however...The more I get to know people the more I despise of the human race. Don’t tell me you’re a good person, then prove just the opposite with your actions. You will only be viewed as another disappointment and I will cut you out of my life. a very sociable person and love meeting new people.Sorry I cant respond to everyone but I do enjoy reading all of the messages*If you are a director,producer, or photographer and interested in casting me, just send me a message and my agent or myself will contact you.


*Madonna..Gwen...Britney spears...carrie underwood..the used..pearl jam..tiesto...eric morillo...blu cantrel..lenny kravitz..timbaland..timberlake...any artist who supports or sings about the call for a new leadership mindset, and for tapping the powers of the heart


~*The Girl Next Door**Walk To Remember*BLOW***FEAR*The Big Hit*HiTch**Scary Movie*Italian Job* Bruce Almighty***There is Something about Mary*How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days*White ChiCks**




The 48 Laws Of POWER by Robert Greene***SUCCESS One Day At A Time by John Maxwell***SEXTROLOGY by Starsky+Cox***SOCIAL intelligence by Daniel Goleman**The laws of attraction** Divine guidance*** Irrefutable laws of leadership**


I love my family,friends,fans,and God.Plants into Flowers, Rocks into Precious Stones, Dinosaurs into Birds, Humans into..........?When a plant becomes 'enlightened' - it flowers and bursts into visual beauty and offers itself and it's fragrance to all. When rocks become enlightened - they turn into precious stones or crystals and become transparent to light and de-light and intrigue us.

My Blog

Some things come from nothing, Nothing comes from some thing

You knew me better than anyone everAnd I remember your very first letterWe were still young and all that we wanted was moreWe freed each other like rebels on HarleysAnd I knew how to answer your bodyB...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 10:06:00 PST

If you love me?

If you love meIf you love meI don't wanna rain on this paradeBut I'm starting to question the love that was madeI'm not looking for just an affairI want a love that is based on truth not just dareYou ...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 09:21:00 PST

Wow! I survived.Second chance.Attacked by Pitbull

Hey guys!! Wow i just was released from the hospital. I actually started enjoying myself because i was there a little to long.. Two weeks.. Yikes... Ya i was attacked by a pit bull with no one around ...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:40:00 PST

paradoxical commandments

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will w...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:04:00 PST

Just Maybe..What if.....!!??

I'm strongBut I breakI'm stubbornAnd I make plenty of mistakesYeah I'm hardAnd life with me is never easyTo figure out, to love I'm jaded but oh so lovelyAll you have to do is hold meAnd you'll know a...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:58:00 PST

~Good Bye Hollywood--- Hello brighter days!!!~

I'm leaving today Living it, leaving it to change Slowly drifting into a peaceful breeze Tongue tied, twisted are all my memories Celebrating a fantasy come true Packing all my bags finally on the mov...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 05:37:00 PST

Staying Afloat Riding The Wave Of life,The World In A Bright Light Grateful

I'm not a girl you would call a traditionI don't live my life by the human conditionOr regard warnings or lurking suspicions Of a life lead after darkI'm not one to think that half the suspense is Kno...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 06:19:00 PST

the pangs of evolution, the ecstasy of oneness

Gift from the heavens, it was love from up above, we could save eachother from hell,She smiles and all my fears suddenly i can over comeEverything once was so murky and now i can see clearlyWeak in ...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 02:27:00 PST

Aries Girl

Ruled as she is by the planet Mars, the female Aries loves nothing more than a good battle (verbal or physical) and is always ready to meet any challenge. The trouble is that, while she can forget abo...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 10:57:00 PST

In Loving Memory!!

*Clint you are loved by many, keep on shining in Heaven...You will always be remembered...xoxox &friendID=6932542&Mytoken=20050216074834 ...
Posted by Xxx~Danielle DuBois~xxX on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST