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About Me


Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Homer simpson - Image Hosting

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" ..I love Ethnic Studies and history that subverts the euro-centric patriarchal history we are forced to consume everyday!


Living Legends, Typical Cats, BlackByrds, Brother Ali, Atmosphere, MF Doom, Alicia Keys, Goapele, The Roots, Zap Mama... more to come


Serious Labor issues in China...Thanx Disney!...... width="425" height="350" ..The Revolution will not be televised


ESPN, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Giants games, Warriors games, Democracy Now!


The Kin of Ata are waiting for you, Dumbing us Down, Hip-Hop Generation, Teaching Community by bell hooks, Cutting through spiritual materialism,


bell hooks, Mumia Abu Jamal, Kwame Ture, Assata Shakur, my friends

My Blog

By Divine Forces Radio: "White Poison!"

Milk Does A Body WRONG!!!!!! The pus, blood, antibiotics, and carcinogens in milk -- and the chronic fatigue, anemia, asthma and autoimmune disorders caused by milk consumption -- do no body good. ...
Posted by A-Lau on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 11:47:00 PST

"Walls" By Mumia Abu Jamal

[Col. Writ. 1/19/06] Copyright '06 Mumia Abu-Jamal Throughout the tides and turns of history, some people have erected barriers against the feared foreigners, to protect their lands from those who wou...
Posted by A-Lau on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 01:13:00 PST


Irvine is so boring... so here is me ranting off! This past weekend I went back home to SF since it was a three day weekend. I realized how much I missed home--the food, friends, the surroundings, E...
Posted by A-Lau on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST