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Stuff for your blog!
We would like to meet some people in Melrose where we just moved a short time ago.
I also want to meet Janet Jackson or Halle Berry but Wanda doesn't think its a good idea. Wanda would like to meet Ice C
ube for who knows what reason.
We both like R&B mus
Stuff for your blog!
ic new and old.Oliver likes horror movies and thrillers and action movies. Wanda is a Lifetime watcher. href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.v iewprofile&friendID=76290854"http://profile.myspace.com/ index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=76290854
Oliver watches sports and Wanda watches daytime TV and Lifetime.
ube for who knows what reason.