.drink more water. profile picture

.drink more water.

.take a break. - inhale - inhale

About Me

...pick a brak...
Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.
Sorrowing I shall be in spirit,
Till released from flesh and sin,
Yet from what I do inherit,
Here Thy praises I’ll begin;
Here I raise my Ebenezer;
Here by Thy great help I’ve come;
And I hope, by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood;
How His kindness yet pursues me
Mortal tongue can never tell,
Clothed in flesh, till death shall loose me
I cannot proclaim it well.
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.
...pick a bean...
Correct Change Please.
"Well, it's no use your talking about waking him," said Tweedledum, "when you're only one of the things in his dream. You know very well you're not real."
"I am real!" said Alice, and began to cry.
"You won't make yourself a bit realer by crying," Tweedledee remarked: "there's nothing to cry about."
"If I wasn't real," Alice said - half laughing through her tears, it all seemed so ridiculous - "I shouldn't be able to cry."
"I hope you don't think those are real tears?" Tweedledee interrupted in a tone of great contempt.
---Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
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My Interests




Don't worry, kids. Its just an air mattress.

I love when he does that foot thing. Way cool.



I'd like to meet:


...oh, and David Crowder ...yeah..

Its about a 1/2 hour.
So skip your stupid hospital - "Lets do it on the gurney" - show.
Watch something with a little more flavor to the soul food.
Your mom thinks its a good idea.

No audio.




"Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: the old things are passed away; behold, new things have come."
I Corinthians 5:17

Mr. Mark
"What can a dead man do?"




I see God in every human being. When I wash the leper's wounds, I feel I am nursing the LORD himself. Is it not a wonderful experience?
-Mother Teresa






I ♥ Kendall Payne
He will hear my call a mile away. He will whistle my favorite song. He can ride a pony backwards. He can flip pancakes in the air. He'll be marvelously kind. And his favorite shape will be a star. And he'll have one green eye and one blue.
Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominian forever and ever.
I Peter 4:11
be a disciple.
make a disciple.
...remember that one time...
she's way more far out there than you think * she can't sing, but she knows what she's doing * she's empty * she smiles when she comes back from where she went and didn't even notice * she can't make correct change * ...make her afraid, nervous * she's angry at those who got it for free while she works for nothing, no changes * ...because she knows no willpower..
...a dollar is a dollar...
you grow up. you learn the truth.
people are people.