Traveling Overseas which I do every summer. SCUBA Diving, which I just started this year.
Eventually my Knight in Shinning Armor...hahaha...My grandmaw Bebe and Grandpaw EV.Some of you probably know this, but I am a Parrot Head. I have been one since I was nine years old. Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefer Band have been by my side day in and day out. When I was 18 I got a parrothead tattoo on my back. The music puts me in a mood to where nothing matters. I have come close but not close enough to meet the man himself. In college, my best friend Greg Blencke and I drove the Asheville to see him open a Cheeseburger in Paradise, well we arrived late without a $500 ticket and he had just gotten in the limo. So what do we parrotheads do. We follow the limo to the airport, lose the limo, and wait at the airport for about ummm...... six hours. He never showed, he flew out the next morning. So, I guess some would I'm a stalker, others would say nah...she is just a parrothead. So whenever, Jimmy comes to town or close to town, Don't ask me if I have tickets...just assume.
Any type of music but Jimmy Buffett is my favorite. Oldies, anything that has a good tune
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers- It's an old one like maybe one of the first movies filmed in color but its great.
LOST is my favorite right now, I don't really have much time to watch TV since I'm working now.
I'm trying to get into books. I have all of Jimmy's books and I have started all of them but haven't finished them.
My self, that is all I need to keep me going [email protected]